What Am I

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 I lye there thinking to myself, when a loud knock sounded at my door. I stood and leisurely walked to the door. Before me stood I frantic Mizuki. "What is it Mizuki?"

"It's those two, Naruto and Sekane, they stole the secret scroll!"

My eyes widened in pure shock,"You mean the scroll of sealing, No!!" I changed swiftly, then rushed out the door. 'What the hell are those to two thinking!'



Naruto and I sat down facing each other. We sat the scroll down between the two of us. "It's tool late to go back now, Let's just open it," Naruto urged.

I shook my head softly," Naruto I don't know if we should. I'm afraid."

"Don't be, no matter what happens we're in this together," he said nodding determinedly. 

I gave him a hesitant nod, which was enough reassurance for him to slowly peal back the scroll's parchment. Rolling the scroll open I read the first jutsu out loud. "MultiShadow-clone Jutsu." We both anime fell over. This one, again! I mean are you freakin KIDDING ME!


We sat on the ground, panting and propping each other up with the others back. My fair skin was covered in dirt and grime. Naruto looked nearly just as bad. We have been training non-stop, pushing ourselves as far as we could go. " Hahaha, I finally found you," breathed an exhausted Iruka-sensei.

We both looked up smiling broadly. "You sure caught us quick. Didn't he Sekane,"Naruto gasped chuckling slightly.

I smirked," Yep, we only had a chance to learn one jutsu."

Iruka gave us a confused look as he noticed the cuts and bruises that our skin bared. It was as if he just realized that we had been training this whole time. 

Naruto jumped up suddenly, his arms outstretched in excitement,"Iruka-Sensei I have great news! Me and Sekane are gonna show you the new jutsu we learned from the scroll, and then everything is going to be okay!" 

Sensei looked at him as though Naruto had lost his mind, which he probably has, but this was different. I stood beside Naruto,"That is how it works right. Anybody who learns a jutsu from the scroll passes." I looked at him inquiringly.

"What on earth gave you that idea," Iruka questioned.

"It was Mizuki-Sensei," I replied nonchilantly," he told us where to find the scroll, and about this place..." I trailed off, noticing the odd shocked expression on Iruka's face.

"LOOK OUT!!" shouted Iruka. Suddenly I heard the whoosh of a pack of kuni heading our way. There was no time to react, and the only thing I could think about was protecting Naruto. That technique was't ready yet. I rushed in front of Naruto, but just as I reached him Iruka pushed both Naruto and I out of the way. 

There was the sickening sound of blades slicing through flesh. I turned to see Iruka pinned to the shed behind us. One kuni was in his leg, thus making his movements slow and ruggid. "SENSEI!" Naruto shouted!

I snarled slightly, turning my furocity to the sorce of the rain of kuni. There, on the branch high above us, sat a satisfied Mizuki-Sensei. "So Mizuki...It was you all along," our sensei forced out. 

"Naruto, Sekane," said Mizuki, completely brushing off Iruka's words," hand over the scroll."

"Don't listen to him! Everything he's said has been a lie!" Iruka shouted at us, pulling a kuni roughly from his leg.

Mizuki chuckled darkly as me and Naruto rose from the ground," Oh I'll tell you who's lying," he snarled.

"No Mizuki!"

"Wait," I interjected," who's lying?"

He chuckled then continued," They've been lying to you your whole life, ever since the degree 12 years ago. Everyone knows about it."

Naruto seemed to be nearly as curious as me at this point. "What is this decree, why does everyone else know about it!?"

"Stop Mizuki! It's forbidden!!" Iruka screamed with all of his might, sadly it was to no avail.

"The decree is," Mizuki smirked a devilish grin," Nobody can tell you that the nine-tails fox is inside of you."

Our eyes grew wide with pain and hurt. "Wh-What..."

"That's why everyone hates you. That's why nobody wants to be around you. You two are the nine-tailed fox. You killed all of those people, It was all your fault. Not only that, but there is also the cursed Uchiha girl. The one with no family. People say you were the one that killed them...In other words, YOU ARE MONSTERS!"

I fell to my knees, tears flowing from my eyes," It was my fault...all of it..." There was no greater pain than the heart-ache that I felt, at that very moment.

Sekane Uchiha~The Journey begins~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora