An Idiot Pinkette and an Interesting Task

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Soon dawn broke, and old man third had left to resume his duties. I sat once more in my tree, swinging my legs and waiting for my fellow teammates to show up. It was a while before I saw my brother and his brooding attitude walking towards me. “ Morning brother.” I smiled down at him.

“Hn,” he spoke, I gave a small chuckle then jumped down from the tree I was perched on.

“Look out below!”

He panicked for a moment then jumped up and caught me, bringing me safely to the ground.

“Awww,” I poked his cheek,” You really do care.”

Almost immediately he dropped me on my butt.

“OUCH! Hey duck butt watch it.”

“No problem, blood head.” He let out a small smirk, and I returned with a smile.

My brother was the only one I had left, and vice versa. Even though I have Naruto, I feel that if anything where to happen to my brother I would just shut down again. He is my family, and no matter what he will always hold my heart. I know that he feels the same. If there was anyone in this world more protective than Sasuke, I haven’t met them yet. Even though he may be an apathetic douche with a big ego and a hard head, I know that he cares. We just show how much we care through insults if that makes sense. In other words, this was a standard greeting.

Sakura wasn’t far behind Sasuke, I’m actually almost positive that she followed him here, creepy much? She immediately rushed over and latched onto my brothers arm, “Good morning Sasuke-kun.”

“Why hello to you too Sakura,” I interrupted her googly eyes and earned a sharp glare.

“And who exactly are you?” She spoke harshly.

I wondered if I should take offense to that,” We did after all introduce ourselves when we first met our sensei. Iruka also read off our names when he out us on a team.”

She scoffed,” I must have been focused on something,” her eyes went all star like and her voice grew soft and reminiscent as she looked at my brother,” or maybe someone, else.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, then I began to think…’She doesn’t know that he’s my brother, I could have some fun with this.’ A devilish smirk shown on my face as I reached out to shake her hand. “Well my name is Sekane, It’s nice to meet you.”

Sasuke seemed to know my plans immediately and let out a little half smile.

“Yah,” She shook my hand,” But you already know my name.” She eyed me wearily, almost as if she suspected something.

I then turned to Sasuke,” And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Sasuke-kun.” I leaned up and kissed his cheek. I saw Sakura’s cheeks flush red with anger, her fists clenched up.

“You guys seem like you know each other pretty well already,” she growled between clenched teeth.

I smiled sweetly,” I feel like I do for some reason.” With hat I grabbed Sasuke’s hand and led him to my tree,” This way Sasuke-kun.”

Sakura was practically fuming with anger. You could see the steam rising from her head with was now a florescent red. I laughed to myself. “You really are cruel Sekane Uchiha,” Sasuke said, a smile still on his face.

“A little prank won’t hurt anybody, and besides how could she not see that we were twins.”

“Well you are kinda strange compared to me,” he smirked.

“Well, we can’t all be egotistical bastards Ne-san,” I responded, sticking out my tounge.

He smiled,” Well when are you going to tell her?”

I shrugged,” Let’s see if she can figure it out.”

Sakura proceeded to follow us over to the tree,” So what are you guys talking about over here.”

“Oh well we were just talking about where we were going to go out to eat tonight,” I smiled sweetly at her.

Once again her face grew red with anger, it seemed she was about to say something before my favorite blond idiot showed up. “Hey guys! Sorry I’m late!”

“Naruto! Of course you’re the only one late!” Sakura shouted at Naruto.

I grimaced slightly at her yell, it took all of my strength not to punch the pinkette straight in the jaw. I mean who does she think she is, talking to Naruto like that. My aggressive thoughts were interrupted when I noticed Naruto’s heart shaped eyes, a small blush tinting his cheeks. She treats him like absolute crap but still, he has his petty puppy dog crush. Heatrose to my cheeks and my mind was slowly going through the ways of how I could rip her apart.

After about two hours of sitting and waiting, Kakashi finally showed up. “Sorry I was late everybody, I got lost on the path of life.”

“That’s not bull crap or anything,” I murmured to myself sarcastically.

Kakashi seemed to notice my remark and frowned, to which I returned a sweet fake smile. With a roll of his eyes he continued to address the rest of my team. “So shall we begin?”

“Wait, you didn’t even tell us what we’re supposed to be doing!” Naruto shouted.

“Aw, that’s right,” he held up three bells,” I had to adjust the game a bit. I wasn’t planning on having a 4th member. All you have to do is take these bells from me.”

I eyed him curiously, “What’s the catch?”

Kakashi chuckled, making my glare more intense,” It’s quite simple, just take these bells from me by lunch time, whoever fails will watch me eat my lunch in front of them.”

Three stomachs growled. Only three, due to me being the rebel I am, after my short meeting with the hokage I may or may not have walked to the nearest convenience store and bought myself a few sticks of dango and some red bean paste. “So that’s why you told us not to eat breakfast,”I heard Sakura grumble.

Kakashi nodded and smiled, “That’s correct, now you my use any tactics as long as it helps you obtain the bell, including shuriken and kunai knives.”

“No way sensei! Those weapons are much too dangerous!” Sakura shouted defensively.

I sighed,” Sakura he is a jonin level ninja, if anything we’ll just hurt ourselves.” She seemed agrivated as I shook my head lightly, ‘How dense can you get.’ I thought to myself.

“Hey wait a minute! There are only three bells! If there are four of us then…then…”

“Then one of us will with ought a doubt be going back to the academy.” I scowled at Kakashi. ‘So this was his plan, to pit us against each other. But wait, then why put us on a squad in the first place?’ As I thought this over Kakashi had walked over and set a small alarm clock atop one of the three wooden posts.

He spoke again to the four of us,” You have until noon to take the bells from me.” All of us dropped into our stances. For some reason the thought that I would be facing someone on such a high level actually brought a smirk to my face. “Alright, now… Begin!”

With that my team dispersed,’ This is going to be interesting.’

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