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Hes screaming, a loud ear piercing scream of pain and agony.
A scream that tears through his lungs and throat and ricochets through his chest.

But the scream is unheard, its muffled by the water hes under, its a gurgle that he hears, and suddenly his lungs burn, the water is filling his lungs fast and he knows he is going to die.

He feels the searing pain, a burning pain, like a flame against his flesh and his teeth chatter, its so brutally hot and it scorches his flesh, peeling it like paper.

He fights, he tries with all his strength to escape but he can't,
He is being held down under the boiling water.

He sobs but his tears are not noticed.
He screams but his screams are not heard.

He knows that he is going to die and he isnt scared,
He shuts his eyes, welcoming the darkness.
He chokes and sputters and gasps for air, it burns it is so painful and he screams but his voice is hoarse.

His chest aches, his throat feels as if there was a white hot iron stuck in it, it makes him shake all over.

He is nauseated and feels oh so sick,
He rolls to his knees and vomits.

He yelps in agony, it hurts him so badly and he feels the tears pouring down his cheeks rapidly.

"Stop crying coward!" The man screams in complete rage.

He yelps as something tore through his skin, and falls to his side, gasping with searing pain.

"D..Devon....Devon ple..please..." he stammers behind gritted teeth.

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!" Devon thundered.

Spencer screamed as something hammered his skull and then he was gone.
"What?!" Derek cried out in uttered disbelief.

"I said that we have given up the search, hes been missing for a year and a half now Derek, hes most likely gone, by that I mean dead" Aaron Hotchner says.

"First the police, and now the FBI?! This is absolutely fucking stupid! Its only been a year Hotch! One year! He could be out there somewhere! You and the police are just to lazy to try looking!" Derek cried, he felt his anger starting to boil and ready to bubble over at any moment.

"Derek, we searched every where he could be! Theres no evidence of him anywhere!"

"THEN LOOK IN THE PLACES HE WOULDNT BE! HES PROBABLY THERE YOU STUPID PRICK!" Derek shot back, hs nostrils flaring and his fists clenched by his sides.

"Derek go home. Right now." Aaron says calmly as he could.

"Your such a fucking dumb ass Aaron!" Derek spat.

Spencer awoke but didn't open his eyes, his head pounded and his chest ached.

His back felt as if it was on fire, it burned excruciatingly and his tattered shirt stuck to his cuts with dry, crusted blood.

His lips were chapped and stung badly, he didn't dare lick them because it was very painful.

He tries moving but can't.

He tries moving his arms and legs, but they too are strapped down.

He was in the chair again.

When you are put in the chair you are forced to watch horrific things Devon does, for example yesterday he was forced to watch Devon roast a live pig, he shook and sobbed in horror as he heard the screams of the pig.

Then, afterwards, he was forced to eat it, he kept it down until he was "bathed" again.

Spencer shuttered at the thought of what was In store for him and just as he did, there was a loud crash.

Devon came tumbling in with a live women in his arms.

She screamed in horror and tears streaked her face.

Her eyes were frantic and fearful as she gazed at Spencer.

"Please! Please leave me go! Leave me go and...and I wont tell anyone! I promise! " the lady cried.

"Not happening im not stupid!" Devon thundered.

"I...I didn't say you were please let me go!" She shrieked.

"I said no!"

"Please, I swear im not the person your looking for! My name is Cindy Richards! 27 years old and I have 3 kids! Please...they need their mother!" Cindy bawled.

"SHUT UP!" Devon shouted and sent a blow to her cheek, Spencer heard her jaw shatter and chocked.

Cindy screamed and sobbed in agony rolling around on the concrete floor.

"Devon...p..Please leave her go...shes innocent! " Spencer screamed with his shaky hoarse tone.

"Shut up you!" Devon demanded kicking Spencers knees.

Spencer gasps in pain and bit his lip, his vision blurred with tears.

When he blinked and his eyes cleared, he saw the knife coming down fast and puncturing Cindys chest in one swift blow.

Blood splattered Spencers feet and chest, as well as the floor and Devons entire body.

Cindy screams bloody murder, blood spilled down her chin and she gurgles as the blood bubbles into her throat and out her mouth like a waterfall.

Spencer sobs uncontrollably as the knife went down again, this time, slicing her throat, and cutting through her bone.

Spencer vomits as the head tumbles off and a pool of blood fills the space around his feet.

He screams through his burning throat and blackness surronds him suddenly.

Derek peered down at the paper he had in his hand.

It read

Spencer Reid, age 16.
Last seen on December 13th 2004 at Dennys laundry mat in Las Vegas Nevada.
Abducted around 12:30am according to a eye witness.
Last seen wearing a white muscle shirt with the image of a bear on it.
He was in shorts which were brown in color.
Spencer has long, brown hair and brown eyes.
He is 5 ft 8 and very skinny.
He is most likely seen with a book in his hand according to his mother who is very devastated by Spencers abduction.
He is shy when you approach him and doesn't like hand shakes or hugs he doesn't like socializing because of his anxiety so if you see him, he might not communicate.
Please if you see this young teenager, call the FBI or 911 immediately.

Derek stroked his finger over the paper.

"Dont worry Spence, ill find you and I wont stop until I do"

Please like this if you enjoyed and comment thoughts on if I should continue or not. Thanks

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