Chapter 6

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Dria's P.O.V
It's been weeks since everything. Prom was two weeks ago. I spent my night at home depressed. One because I didn't have a date. Two because no one would ask me because I was too fat. So I stayed home an watched Danny go with his whore. And in about 48 hours I will be a high school graduate. And then it's off to New York City. Yup where no one knows who I am. That sound nice.
" alright get up where are going out." Says my best friend Andrew. I've known Andrew for years always around each other doing things together. But Andrew has this policy where he doesn't date. He fucks anything that walks. Yup he's a fuck boy. I'm not gonna lie he's not bad looking. When he found out what Miles and Jennifer did he kinda got into a little disagreement with Miles at a party and kinda got arrested.
"Where?" I asked
" The gym." He said opening my curtains
"What?" Confused and sitting up.
"I'm tired of seeing you so depressed about everything so I got a perfect way to get your anger out on everything." He was smiling. Kinda creepy if you ask me.
"An that is?"
"Kick boxing." He whispered
"Kick boxing?! Andrew no...HELL NO." I shouted
"Yes! So go do what u Gotta do an wear sweats an a t-shirt. I'll be downstairs looking for food." He was on the opposite side of the door now.
Getting up I walked to the bathroom did what I had to do an got dressed. Walking downstairs with my nikes' in hand I grabbed my car keys only to find Andrew talking to Danny.
"Alright I'm ready." I said walking out of the house an into Andrews car.
"So D this place is legit. First it's cardio an then it's the good stuff." He said driving
" Why am I going?" I asked
"Because you need to get your anger out on something or would you rather me stay home with you and let you cry on my shoulder like every other girl." He replied
"Drive." I said looking straight
"That's what i thought." He sighed
......3 hours later......
Walking out of the gym all sweaty an overly hyper.
"That was so fun." I said to Andrew
"Yeah tell that to the instructor standing behind the punching bag." He said walking towards the car.
"It's like I don't feel so angry anymore." I continued
"Mmmhmm" he hummed getting into the car.
" can we come back tomorrow?"I asked while putting on my seatbelt.
"Sure." He responded starting the car.
"Now what?"I asked.
" Well there's this party I'm going to later. Wanna come?" He asked
"Nah maybe another time." I said
"Why not? What are you gonna do all night that is so important?" He continued
"Well for one I have to finish my illustration project. And a very intense binge watch of Gilmore Girls." I responded
"Mmmhmm and those are your reasons?"
"Well those reasons are stupid but I'll join you." He said looking at me
"One please keep your eyes on the road I'm not trying to die and two what about the party?" I asked
" There will be more parties to go to." He said smiling
" you sure? I mean I don't care if you go." I said
" yeah I know but I rather spend my night with my best friend." He continued.
"Well you better go home and shower because you are not sitting on my bed all sweaty." I said as he parked in front of my house.
"Will do...what time creep?" He asked
" 7 ass butt." I responded
"Ahh the sweet words of Castiel." He sarcastically said
"Yup byyyyeee." I said annoyingly getting out of the car.
When I walked in to the house Miles was sitting on the couch.
"Awe she's back.... How was your date?" He asked following me up the stairs
" Don't you have girls to screw." I said without turning around.
"Mmm sounds tempting but I like bothering you." He said standing at my door way.
"Well don't" I said slamming the door on his face.
" Don't forget to make sure he uses a condom tonight." He yelled walking down the stairs.
I really hate this kid.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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