A Penny For Your Thoughts?...

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Heyy Guys! Okayy...sooo i've been thinking about writing a story to escape reality buuuut i don't really have the time for a story right now. Maybe later...? IF you guys want me to :)....your probabaly thinking "then why the hell is she making this for?!"  well my fellow...fans? friends? people? yeahh people. well my fellow people, i thought to myself one day "if im not going to write a story, then what will I write?". Soooo....THIS IS MY IDEA!!!!!!!!!! A diary. Yep, a diary. Doesn't sound really exciting right? WELL YOUR WRONG! Alot of people on here just write poems and stories about their life on Wattpad, but i thought i would take it to the next level. Hmm...this is the next level right?!? You can comment or whatever and tell me what you think about this. BUT before you do that i still have things to say. My life is very interesting and very eventful. I'm only going to right exciting things in this "diary", because lets face it, you guys don't want to know everything. If this turns into a big thing and you peoples of the universe want to know more then i would gladly write more for yous wonderful people :) BTW i'm kinda going to switch the names...maybe. Still undecided. Soooo.....THANK YOU! I Love You Guys aaaaaaanndd Have A Jolly Day :D

A Penny For Your Thoughts?...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora