{10}shoulder to cry on

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It was 12:00 am and buck decided to go get some breakfast from the large deep freezer.

The electricity came from 4 power generators, i felt bad when i noticed how supplied this place was.

It must of taken them forever to collect all this.

"Hey buck", "um do you know where i can find cap?

"Yeah he is in the front why"?


I walk out of the multiple sheets and cardboard making a wall for the bridge sturdiness. I find cap on top of an basket relaxed looking at a puddle in the rain.

"Um cap","can we talk?

"Sure", "im happy for you and buck". "I haven't seen him smile since we won the war".

"Thank you"

I tell him sotting next to him.

"So do you know anything about bucky that he's not telling me"?

"No, but what i can tell you dating qithin the team always wnds badly".

And with that i walk back toward the bridge.

When i enter buck is at the table waiting for me with the cutest grin on his face.

"Suppers ready", he tells me in a joking tone.

"Waffle and eggs", "its all i could find thats not a salad or linner"

What you didn't see...

I ran to my room with tears welling in my eyes. That used to be my brother's favorite joke.

*Crying repetitively *

I never knew how much i miss him, tho i think of him everday. He was the only family i had left.

"Wanda", wanda im sorry i was just trying to be funny was it somthing i said", bucky mummers from the other side of the curtain. Please talk to me he says as he enters.

"Wanda i know you're hurt but peitro is not gone forever, he's in your heart too".

"How... how do you.. know about my brother"?

"Steve told me", "listen im sorry, ok"

Buck takes my arm and hugs me.

"Here you just need a shoulder to cry on".

"Here you just need a shoulder to cry on"

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