1. Journal

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Hey guys! I've started a new book after I asked you guys whether you preferred Norway or Spain, and Spain won! Don't worry though, because I'll try post Norway next! Thank you for all the support, I'm almost at 300 watchers, thank you so much.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, and enjoy!


It just had to be him didn't it? (F/N) had fallen for one of the most popular boys in her year, Antonio. He had good looks, he had friends, and he had girls fawning over him, which just meant more competition. But (F/N) already knew there was no chance he'd ever accept her feelings, she was a nobody. Unlike him, she had no friends. She was the loner, or loser of the school. The easy target. The one everyone can pick on. Whether it was about her grades, her looks, her hair, her weight, or even what she ate at lunch, she was bullied about it. They were just a constant reminder about how dull her life was.

But Antonio wasn't like that, which was part of the reason she'd fallen for him. She wouldn't say they knew each other very well, but he'd talk to her sometimes in the classes they had together, and if she was lucky, he'd sometimes ask her whether she wanted to eat lunch with him and his friends. He wasn't mean, he didn't judge her, and (F/N) could somewhat act her self around him. Then there was his group of friends.

The Bad Touch Trio, or more commonly known as the BTT. They consisted of Gilbert, self proclaimed to be Prussian and who constantly yelled the word awesome, either to describe himself or to something that he thought was awesome, though never rivalling his own awesomeness. Francis, from France who liked to flirt and who was popular with the ladies. And finally Antonio, her favourite. She didn't mind them, they didn't bully her, they'd talked to her a couple of times. To be honest she enjoyed their company, but of course, something had to get in the way of letting her hang out with them.

It was usually the same group of girls that bullied her. (F/N) didn't know what made them bully her, she hadn't done anything to them. Or was it that she was dragging down Antonio's reputation? Whenever they were slamming her against lockers, or hurting her, physically and mentally, Antonio was seemingly never there. (F/N) was left to go through the pain, no one to save her.

She knew having a crush was hopeless. Her feelings were never going to be accepted, she'd have to drag her way through school until she was free of the bullies. Easier said than done.. But things took a change, for better and for worse. (F/N) had kept a journal with her that she wrote in from time to time. She'd mentioned Antonio before, she'd mentioned the fact she liked him too. Bad move.

She'd just had P.E class, or rather gym class, and had just finished getting changed. The bell for lunch rang loudly throughout the school. She panicked as she quickly pulled up her socks. She'd have to be quick of she didn't want to get shoved into the lockers again. She hastily stuffed her belongings into her school bag and ran out the changing rooms.

She ran to her locker in hopes that the area was empty, but she sighed and her spirits dropped as she realised that two of the girls were already there. They'd spotted her, there was no point in hiding. The next thing she felt was the pain in her back as she was slammed into the lockers.

"Hey loser!" The all to familiar voice of one of the girls sounded.

"Have you done the homework we asked for?" The other girl added. This happened every time the class had a homework assignment. (F/N) did theirs, because if she didn't, they'd just bully her more. She nodded her head and dug through her bag, grabbing two sheets of paper. She shakily handed then to the girls, but they weren't completely done yet.

"Oh and, we need your lunch money, I'm starving and I forgot to bring some today." She snarled holding out her hand. (F/N) knew full well that she hadn't 'forgotten' her lunch money. She just wanted hers. She sighed lightly and dug through her pockets, taking out half of her lunch money. Another mistake. The girl took the money and looked at it doubtingly.

"This isn't all you've got, now come on! I said I'm hungry!" She scowled, slamming her further up against the locker. (F/N) winced and quickly dug through her pockets again, giving her the rest of her lunch money. She snatched it out of her hands and laughed as they both walked away from the direction (F/N) had came. (F/N) sighed as she climbed to her feet, rubbing her sore back. She made her way to the library, since, yet again, she wasn't able to eat anything.

The school day carried on as usual, until the final bell rang for the students to go home. (F/N) trudged her way home, her stomach empty and her back bruised. At least her home environment was good. She'd lost her father a few years back, but she and her mother had a close relationship. But as close as it was, (F/N) never told her mother about what happened at school. She opened the door, greeted by the smell of her mothers cooking.

"I'm home!" She shouted, slightly unenthusiastically.

"Welcome back darling!" Her mother shouted from the kitchen. She walked down to the front door to meet her daughter. "How was school?"

"It was alright." (F/N) lied. Her stomach suddenly growled loudly, making her mother laugh quietly.

"Are you hungry, you ate lunch right?" She said, with a slightly worried look in her eyes. (F/N) sighed sheepishly.

"No, sorry.." She said, not able to think of an excuse.

"Come on.. This is the fifth time now.." Her mother sighed.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry.. I'm going to go up to my room. I have homework to do." (F/N) nervously laughed and jogged upstairs, leaving her mother confused yet again. (F/N) closed her door behind her and flopped down on her bed with a sigh. Time to do homework again.. She sat up and started digging though her bag for somethings she needed. But something was off.. Her eyes widened as she began to empty out her bag item by item. Panic set in quickly. It wasn't there! As if the bullies weren't enough, she'd now lost something she'd rather die than have exposed to the world.

Her journal was gone.


Thank you for reading, I'm sorry the first part is short but I will post the next part soon! Bye!

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