4. Reveal

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Right! You guys wanted this story to have the next part, and I was going to upload this yesterday but I added some more paragraphs so I hope you enjoy! It's a little longer than usual! I appreciate everyone's feedback and please comment, I don't bite much!

Please tell me if I've made any mistakes!


(F/N) instantly felt sick. Did she run? Maybe if she asked to go to the bathroom, she could just hide there. But instead, she just sat there, frozen still. She wanted to say something to the teacher but as soon as she shakily raised her hand one of the girls sat behind her placed her foot on (F/N)'s. First, she thought nothing until the girl pressed down hard.

"(F/N), did you need something?" The teacher asked in her sweet voice snapping (F/N) back to reality. Her words caught in her throat as she winced at the pressure being but down on her foot.

"No Miss, sorry..." She muttered and edged her hand back down. Even so, she didn't feel the pain leave her foot. It was probably to make sure she didn't try anything again. One of the girls stood at the front of the class at the podium cleared her throat.

"This is my class project, all about a student in this class." She beamed. The teacher smiled, probably thinking it was some sort of nice project for a friend, a tribute of sorts. The girls hadn't mentioned (F/N)'s name yet, but she knew she wasn't safe. The girl began to speak and (F/N)'s unease grew with each word that was spilt from her mouth.

All her secrets were being revealed; everything she'd jotted down was being told to the class. Phrases like 'I wish I could make more friends,' and 'I wish these bullies would leave me alone.' Then Antonio's name kept popping up more. More and more and more. Everyone in the class was gazing over at him, but he seemed more bothered by the girls speaking. He was totally sucked in by each mention of his name. Until finally:

"I love Antonio. It's simple, I love his smile, his personality, his eyes. But of course, I can't tell him, he's so popular, and I'm just not." The whole class seemed to be enjoying this, they looked over to Antonio, who seemed to be just as interested. Someone liked him, the whole class knew that, but they still didn't know who. Everyone, by this point, was sucked in.

(F/N) was on the edge of her seat, but not in a good way. She felt as uncomfortable as she ever could feel. Her fingers nervously tapped on the surface of the desk and by this point, she just wanted to disappear. Or at the least, they could just get it over with and spit it out already! Though she regretted the thought. The two girls at the front smirked, and one of them began speaking again. It was like she was announcing something on a TV show. It was just cruel.

"You're wondering who this is? Well, then ladies and gentlemen, the person who wrote this stupid journal is no one other than (F/N) (L/N), the class loser!" She laughed, pointing over to (F/N) as everyone's head turned to her. All of them knew. Antonio knew. (F/N) felt her heart and her head pound, everyone's eyes were on her.

She briefly met Antonio's gaze. She couldn't read the expression on his face and she didn't want to. She just wanted a hole to swallow her up. This was awful, worse than awful. She couldn't take it anymore. The teacher tried to interject, realising this wasn't some sort of tribute to a classmate.

"N-Now, now class, how about we just go onto the next class assessment!" She said trying to divert the attention off (F/N). But (F/N) couldn't take it. She felt tears prickle the corners of her eyes and she grabbed her things and stuffed them in her bag as giggles ran around the classroom. Knocking over her chair, she bolted up and tried to ignore the laughs. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks but she stopped herself from sobbing and covered her face. Her teacher called after her but all she could hear was laughter.

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