Short Skits (2)

25 2 8

Mel: do

Graci: Rei

Scarlet: Mi

Cara: Fa

Lillah: So

Nina: la

Amie: ti

Stariku: Do

Mika and Zendaya; wtf O.O


Mika: Hey Amie

Amie: hm?

Mika: where does the yellow soul shop?

Amie: *sigh*where?

Mika: JUSTICE!!!

Amie: ...get out

Mika: ok.

(jut so you all know, there is an actual store called "Justice" it's sells clothing for kids.)


Ice: aww she's so small compared to everyone else!*talking about Lillah*

Lillah: oh yeah? you're smaller than me.

Ice: only difference is that I still have growing to do.>:3

Lillah: >:(


Neon: i'm not wearing that!

Nina: just put it on!

Neon: No!

Nina: Yes!

Neon: why me?

Nina: it matches your soul color.

Neon: I'm still not wearing it.


Neon: aaaannnddd now i'm wearing it -_-

Nina; *laughing*

Neon: wearing a tutu and ballet shoes* I hate you so much.

Nina: Luv u too! *dies of laughter*

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