IV: Incompetent Little Me

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Chapter 4

I think all of us had those times where we were too shocked to move, we feel like we’re going to have a heart attack or where we blurt out the first stupid thing that comes to mind when you the see the person you least expect to see. Most times, all those happen at the same moment. I hate those “face palm” moments, too.

Unfortunately, that’s what’s happening to me right now.

“NICK?!” I blurted out too loudly than I would’ve liked. I immediately clamped my mouth shut with my hand and my eyes widened.

God, please tell me I didn’t shout that.

“Oh my God,” I heard Eric say in a whisper.

The orchestra’s music abruptly stopped. I heard the shifting of people in their seats to get a good look at the girl who embarrassed herself by shouting at a high class event. I could see Nessa with her eyes wide and her jaw dropped. Emma and Missy probably have their jaws dropped too. I could already imagine my aunt slapping her forehead at the sight of her niece (who was supposed to be as professional as she could) shouting. To top it all off, Nick was holding back his laughter. His laughter.

He showed up here uninvited, shocking me, making stupid me scream, and he had the nerve to laugh in the inside. How dare he?!

“Uh… ha-ha.” I laughed humourlessly as I turned around to look at the crowd of wedding-goers behind me. Even the bride and groom were staring at me. “Sorry for the interruptions folks! You guys look great together. I hope the marriage works out. Not that I think it won’t work out. I’m sure your marriage will last long. It’s just that…uh. Carry on with the wedding!” I babbled uncontrollably, my cheeks turning pink. I turned back around and rushed out of the room, ignoring Nick and everybody else.

I ran to the reception hall and went into the room Nessa and I were filling favor bags earlier. I rested my back against the wall and slowly slid down into a sitting position.

That was so embarrassing!

“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” I chanted to myself banging the back of my head on the wall. Now all the people in that room think I’m an idiot. Why did Nick have to show up and ruin everything? I was doing perfectly fine until he showed up!

Why do these things always happen to me? Is karma out to get my butt kicked?

I’ve been good all my life. I swear. Well, unless you count the time I pushed Nathan in the pool when he was still testing the water out or the time when I hid Stella’s favorite cookbook or the other time when I told my cousin I couldn’t hang out because I had the flu when I really didn’t. Oh, or that time I babysat my nephew and gave him candy when his mom elaborately told me that I shouldn’t give him any kind of sugar. They all forgave me, except for my nephew’s mom. Family reunions with her were still tense but on the brighter side, my nephew loves me.

Is that enough to have karma chasing me?

“Riley?” I looked up and saw Nessa by the doorway. She walked over to me and sat down on the floor. The moment of silence was broken by her loud laughter.

I slapped her arm and scowled. “That wasn’t funny!”

“You’re right. It was hilarious!” I rolled my eyes as she begun laughing again. “Ok, I’m sorry. That was wrong.”

“I’m an idiot.” I muttered while I buried my face into my hands.

“No, you’re not.” Nessa said, placing her hand on my shoulder. “He just caught you by surprise and you acted stupidly, that’s all. That doesn’t make you an idiot.”

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