Chapter 1 - Hayate

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In honor of 100 followers I made this neko boy x reader work I hope you like it! 


I watch as the leaves fall from the trees not caring wether they fall on my face or not. All that matters is that I'm finally alone. Yes, I am a bit of a loner. I have been since my mom died. I just don't enjoy people's company as much as I used to and my father never treated me the same again. He started drinking a lot more which made me act up a lot around him. I'm just glad I'm away from all of that now. I'm going to go to a new school starting tomorrow and maybe I can start making friends but I doubt it. 

I finally get up from the park bench and decide to start walking to my new home. I've only been there once to just dump all my stuff off there but other than that I never really gave the place a good look. I decide to take a shortcut through an alley way and the deeper I go into the alley the more anxious I feel. I start to walk a bit faster until I trip over something, which makes a really loud noise.

"Meoow~" It says in discomfort. 

It's a gray cat. I notice that my leg is still over the cat so I lift my leg up so it can move. It doesn't. It actually looks like it's hurt. I pick it up and without even a second thought I decide to bring it back to my place.

Once I arrived at my place I immediately set the cat down on the plush carpet. I reach out to it and start to stroke its silky gray fur.

"I'm sorry that I tripped over you." I say still petting the cat.

In return to my apology the cat let out a slight pur and leaned into my touch.

"I'm going to go to the store and get you some food I'll be right back." I tell it reassuringly as if it knew what I was saying.

I close the door behind me and start sprinting to the nearest pet store. I bought everything I could, a litter box, cat food, collar and even some toys. I am a loner but I'm happy I'll have a pet to keep me company. I assumed this cat was a boy so I got him a blue collar with black stripes on it. I then walked back to my place carrying a whole bunch of bags. I'm really excited to get back because then I'll get to name him! 

I open the door to my room and notice that the cat is no longer where I left him. I closed the door behind me and locked it.

Maybe he's hiding.

I think to myself as I start looking around. I might as well just start unpacking since it's almost dinner time. I dump all the cat stuff I bought on the ground and went ahead and set some food on the ground for him. I then turn back to my stuff and start moving furniture around.

"I'm not eating this shit." A voice says from behind me.

I turn around and see a boy about my age with grey cat ears, with the same golden eyes as the cat I found. I think for a second...

"AHH-MPH" I start to scream but am interrupted with him putting his hands over my mouth.

"Don't be like that, I'm still the same cat you let in your home." He says calmly.

Seeing how calm he is makes me less tense and I just stare up at him.

"Does this mean you already have a name?" I say with a bit of sadness in my voice.

"Yes, my name is Hayate. You sound disappointed." (Hayate means "Sudden"). He says letting go of me.

"Well, I was looking forward to naming you, but now I know you're a guy so that won't work hehe." I say laughing nervously.

"For one I'm a Neko, and I don't really care if you rename me I'm still staying." 

"I never said you could stay!" I half yell stepping forward.

"Well, judging by that bag of cat stuff you bought I think the stay was meant to be permanent so what's the problem now?" He said stepping closer to me. 

For a guy that's meant to be a cat he is a hell of a lot taller than me.

"You're a boy! It's just not appropriate. I only have one bed and the couch is too small for you. There is nowhere I can put you!" 

"I can turn back into a cat when you think I'm taking up to much space, and I won't be at your place all day I'll go to school with you." 

"What about your ears?"

"I can wear a hoodie?" He says shrugging his shoulders.

He smirks knowing there is nothing more I can say to kick him out.

"Fine! You can stay." I say looking away blushing.

The thought of this guy staying with me permanently makes me feel awkward.

"Well, I guess you'll be eating ramen with me then." I say walking to the kitchen.

We eat ramen together and when I finish I immediately go to the shower. I already feel like I have no space because of this guy. So much for no worries. 

I spend almost an hour just sitting in the shower thinking over everything that just happened. Then I hear a knock.

"Can you hurry up? I need to shower too." 

I immediately turn off the shower and walk out in just a towel to the sink area of the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. I then notice that on the other side of the bathroom a grey cat is laying in the laundry hamper I set up. With my towel still in tact I harshly grab the cat by the tail and look at it in the eyes.

"This would be fine if you were a cat but now that I know you aren't you should know your boundaries." I say blankly.

I then throw him outside of the bathroom and continue on with my business. When I'm done I walk out and jump into the bed. Hayate then turned into his human form and walked into the bathroom not even saying a word to me. It doesn't even take him 5 minutes until he's out of the shower. He then starts to climb into bed with me. As I see him do this I immediately kick him off. 

"Boys can't sleep in the same bed as me. Cats can." I say in a monotone voice.

He then stairs at me blankly and after a few more minutes of just staring at each other he finally turns into a cat and jumps into the bed. 

"My name is Y/n by the way." I say faintly.

I notice that when I introduced myself his ears perked up, kind of like a dog's. It was cute.

"Well, good night."


Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think.

Claws (Neko Boy X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن