Chapter 7 - Kidnapped...AGAIN?!

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I woke up on the floor. I tried to move but my leg was chained to the ground. I move my leg frantically trying to get it free but all of my efforts were futile. I started to tear up as I thought about how screwed I was. Hayate just thinks I'm finishing a project with Naoko. He's not going to try to look for me. Before I could really start  crying, a door opens and it reveals Naoko.

"How did you sleep my little Neko?" He asks as he kneels down towards my face.

I spit in his face in response to his question.

He smirks and wipes the spit away with one finger, then puts the finger in his mouth. This guy is psychotic!

"Aw~ It's ok. I'll give you a chance to apologize." He says as he brushes his fingers through my hair.

I just sit and glare at him.

"Ok. I'm going to count to three." He says as he starts to hold up three fingers.

"Three..." He says walking over to a table full of tools.

"Two..." He says picking up a whip and walking towards me.

"O-" He starts to hold up the whip to strike me.

"I'm sorry!" I say putting my head on the ground.

"You're sorry what? Say the wrong thing and I'll have to punish you~" He says as he still holds the whip up.

"I'm sorry...Master." I say trying to hold back my lunch.

"That's a good girl~ Now stand up."

I'm going to die. Hayate doesn't know that I'm in trouble and I have no way of contacting him. These people probably have a plan if Hayate comes this time anyways. So, I'm screwed.

~Hayate's POV~

Y/n hasn't been long but the mere thought of her hanging out with a guy like Naoko pisses me off. What if she ends up falling for him? He's not that great looking but he's got a lot of charisma going on. And what if he finds out about her ears and tail? You know what? I'm gonna crash this little hangout.

~Your POV~

I stand up slowly. Apparently too slow because before i could even completely stand up Naoko harshly grabbed my collar and looks at me. I try to stay calm but then, Naoko slams his lips into mine.

I try to push him away and when he realized what I was trying to do he slammed me on the ground.

"How hard is it for you to understand? You have no say in anything you do anymore. You are mine." He said as he yanked me back up off the ground. I was speechless.

"Do you understand?" He says pulling my hair back to make me look at him right in the eyes.

"Yes..." I say trying to hold back tears.

He then starts to kiss me again. As he kisses me he starts to force his tongue in my mouth. I deny entrance but once he pulls my hair again I moan out in pain giving him the opportunity to force his tongue in my mouth. Tears stream down my face as he explored my mouth. He then backs me up against a wall.

As he continued to kiss me I head the door open. I saw Hayate! I twitched in reaction to seeing him. Hayate looked really upset but I gave him this look like I didn't want to do this. He understood and started to sneak up on Naoko.

Naoko then immediately turned around once Hayate was close enough and punched him in the jaw. Knocking him out completely. I started to freak out. What's going to happen now?!

Naoko then started to tie Hayate up. Once he was done he started to walk back towards me.

"Now...Where were we?" Naoko says as he grabs my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

I then started to lose it.

"No...NO! Hayate! Get up!" I started to yell. I then saw Hayate's eyes flutter open. He tried to move but then realized he was tied up.

~Hayate's POV~

Wow. This guy is really dumb. I thought he knew that I could change into a cat.

I let him get back to business so I can change into a cat and easily get out of the ropes. Watching him force himself on her made me want to tear him apart. But I have to wait a little bit longer. He can beat me in a fight when he knows I'm coming for him so I HAVE to catch him by surprise. It's not an option.

I pretended to stay knocked out so this guy won't be as careful. I hear Y/n crying and decide that now is the time to go for it.

I turn into cat form and slowly stalk over towards him. I then quietly turn into human form and picked up a chair that was in the middle of the room. I then brought it over my head and slammed it as hard as I could at Naoko.

The chair broke and Naoko was on the floor unconscious. I smile victorious and take Y/n home.

I will never let this happen again.

Ok no more stuff about you being kidnapped. There will be a lemon in the next chapter!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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