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The band was terrible. There were no two ways about it. The racket they were making would be enough to drive a deaf man into the blizzard that was building up outside. Noel slurped the top off his beer and sat back in his bar chair, watching the bubbles fizz inside the glass. His hand around it looked gnarled and dirty, the hand of an old man who had laboured his whole life, rather than the hand of a 26-year-old lad.  

The band on the makeshift stage at the back of the pub finished their song, and thrashed their way into the next one; out of time with each other, but none of them paying particular attention to what the others were doing anyway. The lead singer turned and ambled up to his microphone, dripping in self-confidence, looking out at Noel over the top of his decidedly unseasonable sunglasses. He bent down to the mic instead of lifting it to his mouth and proceeded to yell his way through the lyrics.  

Noel sighed, wondering how much longer he would have to be subjected to this. He could have said no, he could have gone out with his mates instead, up to the town. The pubs would have been packed with birds up for it. But his curiosity had finally gotten the better of him, leading him to a dingy little backstreet boozer, and on Christmas Eve of all nights. Still, if they wrapped it up soon he could still make a night of it.  

The band finished, or at least broke down. Noel clapped his hands perfunctabliy.  

“Alrigh’, this is our last un,” slurred the singer, Liam, as the lead guitarist attempted the introduction. Noel rolled his eyes as Liam missed his cue but launched into the middle of the verse anyway, “When the sun sheee-ines…” he shouted, elongating the word more than was necessary.  

When the band reached the end, with Liam’s garbled attempt at the backwards vocal, Noel stood to leave, promptly sitting down again as his younger brother lolloped his way over.  

“Well?” he asked, sitting down opposite Noel, “Whatcha reckon then?”  

Noel considered his answer. Not only was this the first time Liam had taken an interest in music, it was more or less the only time he had taken more than a passing interest in anything.  

“That’s our signature tune,” Liam continued, “Rain, yeah?”  

“Yeah,” Noel said. His brother looked at him earnestly, Noel’s opinion was obviously important to him. Though it never has been before, he thought wryly. Still, perhaps this was the start of something for Liam, if only the motivation to get off his fat arse.  

“Well?” Liam said again, impatiently.  

Noel shook his head, “Fuckin’ shite, man,” he said.  

Definitely Maybe (Beatles/Oasis Crossover Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora