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“Fuck them!” John said into the darkness, when he was further down the road. He stopped and looked back. He could just about see the phone box at the other end of the road, but George had disappeared. “Well, he obviously doesn’t give a toss,” John said aloud again and started off, marching through the snow. “Stupid bloody...” The bottom of his jeans were soaked. The water was seeping through to his toes, tingling painfully from the cold.  

Sod them. Sod them for dragging him up here and getting him stranded in the cold. Sod Ringo for his useless bloody car, sod Paul for getting out and for being so bloody happy, sod George for forgetting his family were out, sod George for… John stopped again and looked back down the road. “Fuck,” he said. There was nothing down here. Not a house or a single car. He was just blindly stumbling around in the cold like an idiot. And now he had the added humiliation of having to go back to them and admit defeat.  

“Why should I?” He started off again, his ears stinging from the frost. They obviously didn’t care enough about him to come and look for him.  I’ll just stay out here a while, he thought craftily, just get them a bit worried, then it won’t be so bad when I…  

John stopped. There was a house. A small white, house with light spilling from every window. A smile crossed John’s lips for the first time all evening.  

As he neared the building he half expected it to evaporate like a mirage, but it stood firm. At the end of the pathway to it he realised it was a pub and wondered why they hadn’t noticed it when they passed earlier.  

John half walked, half trudged through the deep snow up to the front door and pulled it open. On the other side he suddenly came face to face with a short, scruffy looking young man. His face was red and his eyes full of aggravation. “Fuck off!” he yelled loudly in John’s face.  

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