*throws PSA out into world*

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Alright listen up frickers

You're fluffing beautiful and don't deny it

Your face is great and I just want to smooch ur fabulousness

And the sooner you accept that you're good at something or that you're glorious

The better you'll feel

Trust me, when someone tells you that you look good and you say "Thanks" instead of "No, not really" it feels so good like omg

Or when someone says your ______ [art, writing, etc.] is amazing, be like "Heck yes it is thanks!!" instead of "Nahh" bc it will help your self-worth infinitely

Once you accept how rad you are

Everything will be as rad as you are

So when I say you're pretty u better believe it u frickers ❤️

KAWAII {This is ME RANDOM V}Where stories live. Discover now