Chapter 5// Me and My Overprotective Brothers

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Chapter 5// Me and My Overprotective Brothers


Authors Note

I am changing the story name to ALL in ONE

Why you may ask?

Because it has a whole bunch of drama and stories in one like badboys and overprotective brothers and players as best friends it just a whole bunch though

But here's chapter 5 enjoy!


Jessica POV.

I'm in the classroom shivering and everything, I can barely listen to what the teacher is saying.

I just hope that they don't find out, but they always find out. I just need to stay far far away from them forever.

Yep, that's a good plan.

*bell rang*

I grab my supplies and put in my book bag. I walk to the door and stop and I peep through the door both ways then I walk out. Coast is Clear.

"hey baby "Myron said putting his arm over my shoulder.

"baby? "I said with confusion trying to shrug his arm off my shoulder what if the twins see this.

"WHAT THE!!!! "ooh no its just have to be coincidence. So this is the point where I die.

I turn around nice and easy and slow as a peezy. What is a peezy? why did I even say that? well it rhymes so ... why am I talking to myself?  We have bigger problems right now.

When I turn around it just have to be all my brother well not all of them the ones that go to school with me and I tell you they do not look happy.

R.I.P Jessica. I'm just signing my death wish

"Hey my wonderful brothers "I said nervously while I took off Myron arm of my shoulder.


I'm just saying you can hear a penny drop all the way from outside. Everybody in the hallway was quiet. It was a big crowd circling us.

I'm just saying nobody can mind their own business.

"well I love to chit chat with everybody but I just have to you know skaddell "I said putting on one of my cute smiles but since I'm so nervous it's probably one of them I just shitting my pants one.

"you know not going nowhere Jessica "James said looking very angry.

sometimes he just need to play cool, you know lay back some times, enjoy the nicely breezy.

my rhyming game is on point today. Rhyming game is too strong.

Jessica that's not important right now.

It's going to be important when I join poetry class.

But back to business.

"what did I do?" I said puffing. When I said this they all gave me the 'really' face like -_-. I should be giving myself the 'really face' I mean I know what I did but if you just stall and prolong that's longer of me living.

actually I don't know what I did. I just came out the classroom like a normal pedestrian trying to go to her next class but then somebody just had to put their arm around me like he doesn't know my brothers are crazy. But at least I try to shrug it off.

1 point for me.

"why did you have your arm around my sister "Chase said furious like in fast and furious. 

You see all my brothers are tough they have their moments when they a ray of sunshine.

But when the moments are over they can make you pee on yourself.

Their glares make you want to take your eyeballs out putting them in the oven with some butter on top and just cook them until they black and then put it back in your eyelid.

1 point for them

"because I'm her boyfriend "Myron said putting his arm around my shoulder.

-3 points for him

BOYFRIEND???   He trying to earn me and him a death wish. I never knew we past the friend's stage barely associates stage

"WHAT? "everybody in the hallway says.

don't they supposed to be in class. I suppose to be in class. Omg

"whoa whoa whoa when did I agree of being your girlfriend "I said backing up and again taking his stupid arm off my wonderful shoulder of mine.

"when we exchange 'I love you 'to each other "


ding ding ding. You have one a free death wishes with a company of a friend.

"OKAY THAT'S A ENOUGH "Ashton said while him and Alex grabbing me by the arm very aggressively. They ready to pop my arm off my shoulder like I'm a kit Kat in the kit Kat commercials.

When I turn around I felt bad for him, James and chase was circling around him like he was the last chicken for dinner.

Wait I shouldn't feel bad for him; I should feel bad for myself because today might be the last day of me being alive.

It wasn't for him I would be alive, in class doing my work and being a good little child.

But no I got to be drag by unfoundedly strong brothers and taking me I don't even know where they taking me but I should enjoy this time I got alive for a couple of seconds.

2 points for them

I'm going to tell what they going to do with me

They going to tell Michael and Adam when we get home. Then they going to tell me to go upstairs and I'm going to be scared out of my mind but its overboard quiet down stairs because they probably planning the scariest death wish for me to face.

At that's where my life ends.

It's going to be on the news tonight

"Local girl by the name of Jessica Mitchel died this evening. Why? Stay tune to hear this tragic death. "

But I might get away with this all of my law and order and how to get away with murder addiction has to pay off.

Step 1: talk your way out of it

"sooo how is your day? "I said grinning like I'm not going to die in a couple of seconds 


My weakness. Oh they good. But we must fight back with power

"so we playing that game huh that's why I went behind yall back and-" They stop so aggressively and turn to me. ooops sometimes I must learn to keep my mouth closed sometimes.

"and what "Alex said furring his eyebrows.

"and nothing "I said trying to play it cool.

"say no more than "They said getting in the car. I got in the backseat putting on my seatbelt and cross my arms like a boss.

We waited for the other 2 to get in the car after they finish their business.

I won't be surprised if I won't see Myron for the rest of the week.

Once they got in the car it was so silent like no music, no 'how was your day', no nothing.

"so would you like to explain to us when you were going to tell us they you have boyfriend "Chase said interrupting the silence.

Well this is going to be the longest ride ever. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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