6 | Time for Dinner Yet?

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After a quick goodbye from Svenskeren, Bjergsen, and Hauntzer as they made their way outta the house, Maddie had just accepted a queue pop and was now into the picks and bans. After that whole picking process was over, she was finally in game - because of course, there would be so many dodges here and there that finalizing picks and bans could be a living hell.

To her worst nightmare however... her ping in game was insanely high. Like so high that she couldn't play and was just bugging out everywhere.

Maddie was definitely more than frustrated at this point, "Sorry guys, I don't know what the fuck is going on with this crazy ping."

After trying to restart her laptop, it helped bring down her ping to an okay range. Of course, it still spiked up here and there but at least now, she could play without having her champion teleport and freeze every 4 seconds.

As a mid main like Bjergsen, she wasn't having any fun being 60 cs behind and 2 levels down. Plus, she was a Katarina against an Azir... which was never a fun match.

After a 34 minute game of what-the-actual-fuck, Maddie had somehow won her game... mostly because her teammates had carried her and they had some dumb top lane Yasuo who would only split push 24/7.

I guess, getting a tier 2 turret was more important than protecting your nexus that was getting sieged by a 5 man squad, who would've known.

After the victory though, she could not play another game. She didn't know what was wrong with League. She had asked Peter and Vincent if they had ping problems too and they told her it was just a house problem but their ping wasn't crazy high like hers... maybe it was where she was seating? She'd have to find out some other time.

Lowkey too, Maddie was kind of regretting her decision to stay home but she wouldn't let the horrible ping ruin her mood that badly.

"As much as I would love to play another game, I can't right now until I figure out what's going on. I feel super bad if I ended to stream here but to make it up to you guys, I'll get on Periscope and if you guys want, I can give a tour of the TSM house. What do you think? Would you hate me a bit less?" she asked teasingly.

After waiting to she everyones response, it looked as if a majority of her viewers were okay with the house tour and rather have one instead of watching her suffer through another game.

Now waving goodbye to her stream, Maddie told everyone to check out her Twitter because she would be sending out the live link soon. A few minutes later, she was ready to go. Almost all of her Twitch viewers to her surprise, had joined her on Periscope and began to spam her with hearts.

"Hey guys! Welcome back haha. Umm I'm not sure exactly where to start... but since I'm in the Kitchen, might as well begin here," she giggled.

Panning her phone slowly around the kitchen, she pointed out the essentials, the stove... the fridge and it's heavy stocked load of Red Bulls, cabinets, etc. "I'm going to save the best for last, so we'll quickly pass by the gaming area for now and head upstairs!"

She didn't want to go into the players rooms without their permission... plus she wasn't sure what she would find and didn't want to spook herself. Instead, Maddie pointed to the doors - open or closed - and told them whose room was whom. "This one's Bjergsen... aka the cleanest and the closest one to the gaming lounge." 

Continuing down the hall, she went by Dennis's room next, "I believe this one is Sven's. Then uh, the extremely messy one is clearly Kevin's, Hauntzer's, whatever you prefer to call him."

She passed by Peter's room and didn't spend all that much time hanging around, "Doublelift's..."

Maddie and Biofrost's room was the very last one because it was all the way towards the end and it was also the biggest since it was the master bedroom. "And then the best room of all, mine and Vincent's!" She showed a brief tour because their room wasn't all that special. It was pretty bare but probably the nicest out of everyones room. "Now back downstairs!"

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