11 | Game Faces On

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TSM vs CLG Game 1 - NA LCS Summer 2016 Week 1 Day 1 Match

The crowd was in an uproar, but if they weren't, then that would've been a bit weird.

It was impossible to describe how nervous Maddie was feeling and she couldn't possible imagine what thoughts were going through the TSM member's heads. Although... she could picture them cursing their way through the match and calling CLG trash, who exactly knows?

She sat in the seats that were meant for VIP guest and family members, right up in the front on the left hand side of the arena, closest to the TSM monitors. The pick and bans had just finished and once the coaches shook their hands before making their leave - Parth of course waved at Maddie one last time, the match was about to begin.

Immediately, the famous "TSM! TSM!" chants shook the building and a silly smile ran across Maddie's face as she too, joined in.

She must've been super loud in comparison to everyone else - or looked the most dumbest, because Vincent and Bjerg both gave her a teasing, judgmental look. As a result, she stuck out her tongue to them.

Maddie glanced at Peter just then, which was a mistake. She caught him watching her but rather than trying to play it off cooly, his actions were more like freezing hail. He gave her an annoyed twitch of his nose and it was clear that he was still upset over last night.

Then just like that, her happy mood had turned sour and the thoughts from yesterday flared into her mind, lingering for a bit before she managed to snap out of it.


He gave her an apologetic smile, "Sorry Maddie, I didn't realize you were sleeping. If I'd have known, I wouldn't have barged in like that."

She shook her head, "No it's okay. What's up?"

Hauntzer gave her another look and frowned. "We need to talk..."

Maddie was more than puzzled. "Okay sure... what about?"


"Oh... ok. Um what do you wanna talk about?" She was definitely caught off guard.

Kevin gestured to her bed, asking for permission to sit down beside her. She allowed it and Hauntzer took a seat, sighed, and then explained why he was in her room at such a late hour. "I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Peter and honestly, I don't really want to know but... even though I haven't know Peter long, it's obvious to me when he's upset.

He licked his lips before continuing. "I was with him when he found out you were gone with Vincent and man... like, he got silent almost immediately. Then he was kinda like that for the rest of the day and I asked him what was wrong, but he didn't want to talk about it. Soo... I thought that, because you seem to be the closest to him, maybe you could see if he's okay or not. I'm just worried for him ya know? Even though we're teammates, I see him as a brother too."

Maddie was quiet for a while before responding. What could she say? She didn't really know. After all, this was the first time she had ever heard that Peter was upset over something she had done.

She wasn't... use to that. Usually, he was always a pain in her ass because he would tease her twenty-four seven but until recently, she realized that he had been keeping his distance.

"Ya... okay. I'll talk to him, thanks for the heads up Kevin."

"Really??" the boys face lit up and Maddie just gave him a reassuring smile, although she didn't think that he could tell that her smile was forced.

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