10. Reunion

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At around half past ten the audience started to gather and settle down into their seats. Everyone except Imran was here to see the performance so you could say that it was quite a turnout.

Prior to the performance, Firdaus made a few changes to all the costumes for the girls. Once she had overhead Shayla and her friend talking about coming to the performance tonight she knew she had to come up with some sort of covering so that no one would be able to see her. If anyone saw that Shayla was dancing on the stage and watching the show at the same time, they'd freak. After a lot of hassling, Firdaus finally decided on a view that would cover the faces of the dancers. It would work well with the black dress they were wearing, which was convenient.

The performance was done to a popular Bollywood song in India: Raabta. Each move carried by the male and female dancers was perfectly timed to the beat and rhythm of the song. Firdaus, being the lead, stole the show with her amazing dancing and angelic singing. The show ended with fireworks lighting up the stage and everyone in the audience stood up to clap the dancers off the stage. The first night was definitely a success and if Firdaus and her team kept up the level, they'd end up having a well-deserved pay-cheque by the end of the week.

The stage was cleared and the room gradually turned into an environment where everyone was socialising with each other. The drinking had already begun with the adult groups and the girls had already started shots, drowning their emotions in alcohol.

No one realised that Mahira and Aryan were the only ones that couldn't be found anywhere in the room. They had spotted each other during the performance and couldn't help but stare into each other's eyes from a distance. It had been a while since they had seen each other and the two never thought they'd be in the same place after what happened back home. The two slipped away as soon as the performance had ended, clearly having many things to discuss.

"Mahi!" he exclaimed as the two were out of sight. Mahira ran into Aryan for a hug that lasted for five minutes before the two came to their senses.

"I've missed you so much," said Aryan as he caressed Mahira's face with his hands with a longing look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you soon, Bhai just came back from his travels an-" she was cut off as Aryan slammed his lips into hers, knocking all the wind from her lungs. Mahira hardly had a moment to react before Aryan deepened the kiss. Her arms reached up and tangled around his strong neck. In an instant, she pulled away arching up into Aryan's broad chest taking in the scent of sandalwood he always wore.

"Don't apologise," uttered Aryan in between deep breaths. "I've missed you, I've missed this," he confessed.

"I have too," cried Mahira, tears starting to form in her eyes. She went in for a hug and the two stayed in each other's embrace for some time before the others interrupted them.

Mahira quickly brushed away her tears before anyone could see and then left to go find the others waiting for her inside.

"Mahi!!" called out Kyra, "We've been waiting for ya girl." She was seated on the stool by the bar and as Mahira went in for a hug, she pulled back as her leg had just banged against Mahira's.

"Ouch!" she cried out in pain. Kyra was still recovering from the bullet wound in her leg.

"Sorry yaar," sounding very sincere and apologetic. "And, something just came up." She didn't want anyone finding out about her and Aryan just yet. "What's going on?" she asked, trying to direct the attention to anyone else but herself.

"Well, we gotta help our girl out here. This is Jazz..." Shayla begun. She explained the whole situation with the whole arranged marriage with Shahid.

"So you've talked to him already?" Mahira speculated.

Jazz nodded.

"Alright. Do you want to talk to him again?" she asked.

"Honestly, I really do. I felt a spark when we talked but I'm not sure what's right and what's wrong anymore..." rambled Jazz.

"We're all thinking they should go somewhere private," intervened Alia.

"Yes that's a good idea. I've heard that the ship stops in Egypt at midnight actually, convenient I know," smiled Mahira, "give me his number," she continued.

"Ahhh why..." muttered Jazz, not sure if she could trust Mahira just yet.

"Ah just give me your phone," she ordered, taking her phone which was placed beside Jazz. She unlocked the phone, "you should also put in a password by the way," she winked. The other girls shook their heads with a smirk on their face.

Mahira copied the number down into her contacts created a new message field and texted Shahid.

"Ok all done, he'll meet you outside at midnight," she assured with a smirk on her face. She was proud of what she had just done.

"What did you just do!" Jazz freaked, she didn't want her 'friends' to do anything embarrassing.

"Don't worry yaar, she's got your back. Just make sure you look hot tonight," said Kyra with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Jazz looking defeated, finally gave in and left the room after saying goodbye to all the girls.

"Do you think he's worth it?" asked Shayla, worried for her friend.

"None of us really know his so I guess we'll find out tomorrow after their..." Alia's voice trailed off as she saw Shyra completely dozed off looking in the opposite direction. "Shyra didi!!" yelled Alia, waving her hands in front of her sister's face.

"Sorry, what did I miss?" Shyra asked innocently. She wasn't paying attention the entire time. After all, she was busy staring at the gorgeous Aakash who looked dashing in his black suit.

Aakash didn't seem to notice Shyra and so deep down, she felt like she wouldn't have a chance with him at all. If only she knew that Aakash, like most of the other boys, had fallen for a girl.

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