Naruto x Male!Reader Lemon

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And here he is, the one and only person to have survived the horror that is known as his bedroom, its the one and only me! Whoop whoop! Hello everyone! Its me and here we are with the first part of this oneshot book! I really do hope you enjoy this cos I was meant to start this book on the weekend but I didn't cos I'm lazy and why the heck is it so hot?! I mean, I live in friggin England! We're meant to have rain and wind not super hot weather! This is bullshit!

Ahem, yes my body is more accustomed to the cold climate and I very do much hate so Summer, apart from the fact no school but I'm starting college this year and I really, really shouldn't freak out. But I'm not, so everything is A-OK. Now without any further ado, lets get this party STARTED!


Living in Konoha and being one of the various ninja there had its good and bad points. Good was that being a ninja, in one word, was awesome. Bad because you had to put up with ninjas. Growing up and attending the ninja academy you eventually fell into the crowd of troublemakers and pranksters, a few people to note were Kiba and, of course, Naruto Uzumaki. All off you were great friends, pulling of elaborate tricks and skipping classes only to be shouted at by your teacher Iruka, all memories good and priceless.

When you first enrolled you instantly became friends with Naruto, after hearing the whispers behind his back you realised that he needed a friend and that friend was you. So you two began your streak of mischief from there and pestered almost everyone in the village. However, there was a slight problem. You and Naruto always argued who was the better one at pulling off pranks. What started as a childish argument eventually turned into all out war. Even after joining Team 7, as you and Naruto were in the same group, your battles took place in any and every place at any time. Often missions went awry because of your jokes much to the chagrin of Sakura and Sasuke.

After Sasuke and Naruto left the village and Sakura went under the teachings of the new Hokage, Tsunade, you really had no idea what to do. So, you trained with the other groups as well as Kakashi, but often you found yourself training alone and honing your talents as well as your pranking prowess. When Naruto came home from his training journey the war started all over again with a new found vigour. The old Hokage barley tolerated your antics but Tsunade made sure you regretted them. Despite this the war of pranks wages on until this day.

Which led you to this situation.

Saying to Naruto you wanted to meet him at the training fields to spar earlier today everything was in place. Your justu is an Earth style which allows you to lay traps in the ground of various kinds, from pits all the way to ones that blew up in your opponents face, which made it all the more easier for you to prank people. Perched in a tree you observed the playing field. Underneath the tree was one of your traps which would stop an opponent from moving and when Naruto fell in it then you would strike. How? With the various mud balls you had created. Covering him in mud seemed ample revenge for what he had done to you, catching you with the old bucket full of water over a doorway three times in one day, all one after the other as soon as you left your bedroom.

Fires of determination burned in your usual (E/C) eyes as you clenched your fists. You would win this war, no matter what! Sensing the familiar chakra of your blonde haired ninja friend you lied in wait. Watching him make his way across the field and towards your trap made you want to jump in joy, it was going so well!

A few more steps... you thought as you saw the teen a few steps away from his doom.

However, soon as he placed a foot in your trap, he went poof and he was gone. Blinking your eyes in disbelief you realised he had duped you with a shadow clone.

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