An Opening and an Apology

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I feel like I should start this with an apology to anyone who is reading. This promises to be a somewhat disjointed narrative. As I posted my progress on Skyward as it happened on each day of NaNoWriMo, the various parts jump around a bit. I've since gone back and have tried to reorder them more or less chronologically, but I wrote the parts as I was inspired to. As anyone who has previously NaNo'ed knows, when inspiration strikes, you need to tap it, whether it's feeding you an opening or an ending.

Also, some parts are inevitably longer or shorter than others as each part was be a day's worth of writing. It had some interesting consequences as I'd write a lot on some days, then virtually nothing at all on others.

What all those caveats add up to is a story that is told in glimpses across many parts. It is probably all action and little linking, but hopefully you enjoy it.

(and I do hope to come back to it and fill it in properly very soon)

So, here you are, and I'm sorry.

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