《Chapter 11》

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Zayn's P.O.V.

>>>>italics = Flashback from Chapter 6 (Last time I used Zayn's P.O.V.)

It's all my fault. If I had never went out there, he would have never gotten kidnapped." She told me. "No, it's not. You didn't know this was going to happen." I responded while wiping her tears. Detective Carter then came out from the interrogation room and called Selena over. " Well, I should go. Thank you." She said. " No problem. I'm just glad you're okay." She smiled and made her way to the detective.

I walked outside and saw the one person that Harry was the most closest to.


"Hey, Zayn. Any good news?" Richard, Harry's father asked with a sense of hope, evident in his eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. The police and these detectives are a bunch of bullshit and aren't actually doing anything." I responded.

When I was done talking, I noticed that Richard was now sniffling and crying. Without even thinking about it, I hugged him and gave him the comfort he so desperately needed.

"I won't stop looking for him until he is right back home, where he belongs, with us and his kidnapper is sitting right behind a jail cell." I tell him and he nods.

"I just can't lose him. He's all I have left. When my wife was killed, I thought I wasn't going to be able to live with myself, but losing my son will ultimately break me." He says with tears threatening to drop from his eyes.

"Wait...I thought you're wife was killed in a car accident?" I questioned as I took a step away from him.

"No. That's just I told everyone so no one would ask any questions." He confessed with a  guilty expresson on his face. He should be guilty. Who lies about that? I mean, if my wife was murdered, I wouldn't just sit there and lie about it, I would go out there and find the person who killed her.

"That's so fucking stupid. What the fuck is wrong with you? Does Harry know or did you lie to your own son too?" I angrily replied.

Harry's father was about give me an answer, before Detective Carter approached us and asked us both to come inside. "We may have found something." She told us and that was more than enough to get us in there.
(A/N: They are still standing outside of the police department)

We all walked into the interrogation room and immediately I saw Selena already sitting down.

"So we may have found something on the person who took your son and best friend." She told us and she pulled out a tablet from her bag.

I was already nervous and my hands were all sweaty and she hasn't even told me the news yet. I looked at Richard and his leg was rapidly shaking up and down and Selena was nervously biting her nails.

Detective Carter opened the tablet and there was a video, waiting for someone to press play.

"One of our police officers was patrolling downtown and when he came back, he told us about a guy who looked very suspicious, especially driving at night in black van. So Officer Smith stopped him and regulary question and the next thing he knew, he was unconscious on the ground. However, in each of our police cars, there is a security camera. So we were able to get the footage of this guy and we were hoping if any of you could recognize him." The detective explained as she pressed play.

The video was very graphic and violent. "Damn." I muttered. At the very end, you could clearly see this guy's face and he was smiling. Whoever he is, he's clearly insane.

 Whoever he is, he's clearly insane

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"I have no idea who he is." I answered and Selena agreed with me. We all looked at Richard, who was playing with his fingers. "I know him. His name is Louis Tomlinson."


"IT'S BEEN 2 FUCKING MONTHS AND MY BEST FRIEND IS STILL MISSING. WHY HAVEN'T YOU FOUND THIS LOUIS GUY ALREADY!" I yelled so loud, I'm pretty sure that entire police department could hear me.

"We have found nothing on this guy. I mean, usually we find a lot of flaws in these types of situations, but this guy really thought this whole thing through. And it's going to take some time." She responded with a calm voice to get me to shut up.

"Now Richard, are you sure that there isn't anything else you know about this guy?" She turns her attention to Richard, who is pacing back and forth around the detective's office.

"I already told you. Louis was the nephew of this guy I used to be friends with. End of story." He responded and walked out. But obviously there was more to the story, so I followed him outside.

I guess he noticed that I was following him, because the next thing I knew he turned around and asked, "What do you want now?"

"Listen, for the last fucking time, I want some answers and I want them now! You're clearly hiding something, so just spit it the fuck out!"

"Okay, okay! I will tell you everything that you want to know but not here. It needs to be somewhere private where NO ONE will be able to hear us. If anybody finds about this, I will be danger and could possibly be sent to jail! Do you understand me??"

"Okay, yes! Now where do you want to talk?" I desperately asked. He whispered the address of the place in my ear and told me to meet him there at 8:00 pm. Then, we parted ways and went about our day. But I just couldn't stop thinking about what he had to tell me, like what could he possibly have done that was so bad? I mean...he is one of the nicest people that I know. He couldn't have possibly done anything bad, right?

Hi guys! I know, I'm a horrible person for taking so long for update! I literally suck at life and writing, but I promised that I would update for you guys so I intend to keep my promise. Sorry if this chapter and book are so confusing, I started writing this in the 8th grade and I'm a sophmore now, so I kinda changed the direction that I wanted to write this book. But if any of you guys have any suggestions just dm me :) I'll try to update soon and by soon....I mean most likely in a couple of months. I'm soo sorry, but I'm in high school and the struggle is so fucking real.

P.S. It would make me really happy if you guys can follow me on ig  (@mxkaella_) since I'm so close to 300 followers and I'll follow you back. (Yes, I know my feed is a mess, just like my life😭)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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