Finding out

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Erza's POV
I had just woke up when there was a frantic knock on the door. "Hold on a sec!" I yelled towards my door. I got up and got dressed and shuffled to my door. When I opened the door I was met with four girls, Juvia, Mira, Levy, and Lucy with messed up hair, red puffy eyes and tears. "O-Ok Come in" I said confused and worried about their state. After they came in and sat down, I went and got five cups of tea and gave each of us one. "Ok, What Happened?" I said in a worried tone. Juvia was the first speak, "We found out terrifying news...." I nodded asking for her to continue. "We a-are......." She stuttered, I nodded again growing impatient. "What is it?" I said in a calm state because they obviously need help with something.
"We are Pregnant!" Lucy yelled in tears tired of the wait, she just wanted to get over with telling someone. "H-How?" I asked shocked and confused. No one answered, Mira had her head down looking at her lap, Juvia and Lucy crying, and Levy just zoned out. "I think it was the party we had for New years......" Mira said looking up at me. "Now that I think about it we all got drunk including you Erza" Levy said no longer in her own world. I thought about it for a second, I did get drunk didn't I? "Now that I think about it I did" I said my eyes growing wide. "So are you Pregnant too?" Lucy said wiping her eyes. "I-I-I don't know, I have been feeling sick in the morning but nothing severe" I said as I got up and got my shoes on. "Where are you going?" Lucy said. "I'm going to the store to get a Pregnancy test" I said while putting on my vest. "I would ask you guys to come with but I think it's best if you stay here, have you told anyone else?" I said grabbing my house keys. "No" Mira said. "Is it ok if I tell Bisca? cause I think you need someone to stay here and make sure you are ok" I said opening the door.
"Yeah it's Ok, plus I think she would be able to help us cause she has been Pregnant before" Lucy said while putting her hair in a bun. "Yep, I will leave the door unlocked so she can get in" I said walking out the door and shutting it. I took a deep breath and walked to Fairy Hills. I decided to move out of Fairy Hills awhile ago so, I had more alone time and I stopped wearing my usual armor, and started wearing black skinny jeans, a red tank top, a black unbuttoned vest and black no finger gloves after the tower of heaven incident. I went into Fairy Hills and knocked on Bisca's door. "Hey Bisca, we have a problem and I need you to go to my house and watch Mira, Juvia, Levy and Lucy they will tell you what's up when you get there" I said Frantically. "O-Ok" She stuttered out worried. I said thank you and was on my way to the store. 'Even though I took wearing my armor down, I still kept the barrier to my heart up, so if I'm Pregnant this is going to cause a lot of problems' I thought. Then when I was walking I tripped over something and fell onto Gray. "Sorry Gray, I wasn't watching where I was going" I said as I stood up and dusted myself off and extended my hand out to Gray. "Oh that's ok" He said taking my hand and standing up. "Have you seen Juvia? I need to talk to her" Gray said putting his hands in his pockets. "No, but if I do, do you want me to tell Juvia you wanted to talk to her?" I said looking him in the eyes. 'This is really weird but I have to do he believes me' I thought. "Yeah, If you don't mind" Gray said looking at me. "Sure and she isn't at the guild?" I said. "No.." Gray said looking down. "Ok...Well I have to go so see ya later!" I said while running off till I was sure I wasn't in his line of sight and ran into an alley way and threw up some of my dinner from last night.

Gray's POV
"Weird" I said looking in her direction. I decided to follow her to see what's up cause she is never so frantic. I walk the streets looking for where she went when I hear throwing up, I look in the alleyway and see Erza bent over, throwing up. "Erza! Are you ok!?" I said running over and patting her back. "N-No I'm n-not but I can tell you it will go away I just had some bad food yesterday and I was going to the store to get medicine" Erza said weakly and now fully standing up. "Ok, Just call me if you need help" I said walking away.
I walk and then turn the corner and watch Erza brush herself off and walk into the store. I wait a few minutes and look to see Erza walking out. I quickly squint to look at the see through bag to see something that says test. I wonder what it is for.
I decided to leave her alone but I am going to check up on her in a little bit.

Erza's POV
I walked out of the store and ran to my house. I unlocked the door and Almost slammed the door. "Hey Erza you all right?" I turned around to see Natsu!?. I almost freaked, like why was he here!? and where were the girls!? "O-Oh hey N-Natsu" I said while smiling and waving nervously.
After speaking I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up the rest of my dinner, I slammed the door and took the test. I fixed myself, washed my hands and picked up the test. I burst in tears. "Erza! Are you ok!?" Natsu yelled from my living room. I put the test in the bag and threw it behind the shower curtain. "Erza are you ok!?" Natsu yelled after seeing me cry my eyes out on the floor. "N-Natsu!" I yelled holding my arms out. "Erza what's wrong?" Natsu said picking me up and putting me in his lap as we went to sit on the edge of my bed. "I-" I said as I burst into tears again. Natsu patted my head, "It's Ok you can tell me" he said in a sweet, soothing voice. "Y-you have t-to p-promise not to tell anyone" I stuttered out gripping harder onto his vest. "I promise" Natsu said. "O-Ok" I said getting off of Natsu and pulling him up by his hand. I walked him to the bathroom door and I went in, crouched down and got the bag. I stood back up, looked to the side and held the bag with tears falling down my face. "N-Natsu do y-you k-know what t-this is?" I said shaking and pulled out the box that said Pregnancy test. "Yes" Natsu said obviously not knowing where this is going. "I-I took the test" I said looking down. Natsu nodded his head still not knowing where this is going. I took out the stick that had the results. "Look at it" I said looking to the side with tears in my eyes again. Natsu leaned in closer and looked at the little screen, his eyes went wide. "Y-you're p-pregnant" Natsu said in disbelief. "Y-yea" I said breaking down again. As I was crying he suddenly asked, "Who's the father?" I stopped crying and looked at him with wide eyes. "I-I don't know" I said.
"Well come on don't just sit there we have to find out!" Natsu yelled dragging me to the door. "Where are we going!?" I asked frantically. "To Porlusica!" Natsu said with seriousness in his voice. I knew that I wasn't getting out of this one so I made him let me go and grabbed my house keys and me and him walked out of the door. "Who do you think it might be?" Natsu said as we walked in the forest. "I don't know" I said. "Who do you think it is?" I said. "I don't know but I hope it isn't Jellal" He said and slightly growled. I tensed up and stopped at hearing his name because he was recently let go and started his own guild. "Me too" I said as I started walking again. By time we got to Porlusica's I was shaking violently, afraid of who's the father. "Erza it'll be okay, do you want me in the room when she tells you?" Natsu said holding my shoulders. "Y-Yea" I said. Natsu knocked on the door and Porlusica came and seemed more welcoming, which is weird cause she hates humans. "Porlusica we were wondering if you could do a test to find out the father of Erza's baby?" Natsu said almost sounding like he was pleading. "Yes I can" she said surprised to know I am having a baby and let us in. I sat on a bench and I winced cause she stuck a needle in my arm. Porlusica walked out the room and came back with a bandage, took the needle out of my arm and wrapped my arm. She walked to a table and a Lacrima screen popped up in front of her, I couldn't see it though. "Erza the father of your baby is Natsu" I just froze in shock and so did Natsu.

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