Isabelle gets punished again

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Isabelle woke up from Jean-Marie's caressing fingers. She snuggled back tighter against him while his hand caressed her side and thigh, then moved up to her shoulder and down her arm. His lips felt hot in the back of her neck and when he growled softly it made her skin crawl with excitement. She stroked his erection between her buttocks, moaning softly.

He moved his hand down between her legs and let his fingers fire up her arousal more. 'Take me again, please?' she moaned and he gave her a soft bite in her neck.

'Guide me inside.' he growled in her neck and she reached back to slide his erection inside her with a satisfying sigh.

He kept his movements torturing slow while her lust built up to the point of exploding, then finished her off with a growl and a bite in her neck as he thrust hard inside her. She panted while she enjoyed the feeling of his liquid heat spreading inside her.

He pushed up on his elbow and kissed her. 'Thank you..' he whispered. 'I'm experiencing joys I never thought I'd feel again.'

She kissed him back passionately, then pulled back after a while. 'If I may, I'll try to give you as much joy as you want.' she said, wanting to see him as happy as he had been before.

They kissed until they needed to get up, and she joined him in his shower where they washed each other with great care. She didn't bother slipping on her t-shirt before going to her room to get dressed, seeing how he enjoyed watching her naked body.

When she came back up to collect a few reports he had kept in his study she saw the door to the forbidden room wide open and Jean-Marie standing next to the crib, holding the two plush animals in his arms while he stared at one of the pictures.

She moved closer, but kept a distance from the room and waited in case he needed her. Without looking at her he held out his hand to her, and she went to him. She put her hand in his and he stroked hers gently with his thumb.

'I need to find some closure.' he said, his voice sounding tired. 'I think I'll just throw this away.'

'No!' she said, then bowed her head when he looked surprised at her. 'I know it's not my place to tell you what to do, but, please don't throw such important memories away that held so much love..' She looked up at him. 'Could I at least have the plush animals? I don't want to see them thrown away.. They're too precious..'

He gave her a gentle smile and handed her the two animals. 'Then they are yours.'

His dark mood lifted as he saw the happiness light up her face while she stroked the dog's and cat's heads.

'About the crib.' he said and her expression turned back to worry. 'Maybe I'll just keep it in a corner for now.'

She squeezed his hand lightly as her smile returned and he felt for the first time that he might be able to move on.


'You look beautiful.' Jean-Marie said when Isabelle walked into the kitchen, dressed in one of the new suits for work. She had chosen a navy blue one with lighter blue blouse and matching shoes.

'Thank you.' she said and moved in front of him, fiddling with her fingers. 'I'd like to thank you again for the wardrobe, so.., can I kiss you..?'

He put the plate he had in his hand away and gave her a loving smile. 'I'd like that.'

She moved against him, stroked his chest and put her lips on his. He moved his arms around her back and took the back of her neck, kissing her tenderly for a moment, then she opened up and invited him in.

Isabelle and mr. BêteWhere stories live. Discover now