And they lived happily ever after

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Isabelle got a call from Colette in the next morning to ask her to come with her father to the Bête office after lunch. When they arrived they walked with Samantha to the conference room and found the FTC agents there with Jean-Marie's legal head, a Latino looking man she hadn't met before and Jean-Marie himself.

The legal head introduced himself as Alphonse and the other as Ramirez, system administrator. They shook hands and they all sat down.

'I understand you have something to show us?' Frank said.

'Yes.' Jean-Marie said. 'I had my suspicions when I saw Avery, former employee at Anderson Trading at your office. After Isabelle and I arrived at my car and had a little talk, we found him waiting at the street and being picked up a little later by someone related to my late father. That person has also come to my attention through my business relations lately. That led me to check for a possible breach of security at our office with the help of our system administrator.'

Jean-Marie nodded at Ramirez, who stood up and clearly felt uncomfortable speaking in front of officials.

He adjusted the dark red jacket he wore especially for today and switched on his laptop. 'Mr. Bête called me and asked if I could extract information about access to the office, so I pulled up a list from our door logs outside office hours.' he said and displayed the list on the main screen. 'As you can see it lists names and times of checking in and checking out. At first nothing seemed strange and there were no names that didn't belong there. Until we looked closer with the background information Mr. Bête provided me, and we found this anomaly.' Ramirez pulled up a second list with red marked lines. 'This was a badge that belonged to the cleaning staff group, but was used outside the times the group cleaned the office. With these entries we pulled up the video feeds and found one person coming in and out of the office at those times.' He showed the video from the first night.

'That won't help much if we can't identify her.' said Frank. 'She keeps her face hidden.'

'Correct.' said Ramirez. 'It seems the person in question knows where the cameras are situated and kept his face hidden.'

'His?' asked Frank. 'It's not a woman?'

'Yes.' Ramirez said and tried to suppress a smirk. 'Confirmed, thanks to a little trouble with the coffee machine in the kitchen.'

Frank looked puzzled at him.

'The machine in question would turn itself off during the night, but the supplier didn't believe us and said someone must have turned it off since they found no fault during the day. So we installed a spare security camera to record the machine during the night and it clearly proved it did turn itself off without anyone touching it.' Ramirez pulled up the video feed showing the machine in clear detail. 'Now watch this.' he said and they watched the machine for a while, then saw someone going up to it, make a selection, wait for the cup to fill, then turn around to drink.

Ramirez froze the image of Avery holding up the cup of coffee and sat down.

'The badge in question was provided to Linda Tremaine for access to the office in the time she dated my father.' Jean-Marie said. 'She is also the one who has contacted my competitor with inside information.'

Frank tapped his finger on the table. 'Well, looks like things can be wrapped up quickly this time. We'll be visiting ms. Tremaine next.'

The agents thanked Jean-Marie and Ramirez for their help and they made sure they got a copy of everything for their evidence. Frank apologised to Isabelle and her father for the inconvenience and would call the office to lift the restrictions.

Isabelle gave Ramirez a big hug, embarrassing him, then hugged Jean-Marie tight. 'Thank you..' she whispered.

He stroked her hair. 'Anything to protect you.'

Her father held out his hand and shook Jean-Marie's. 'Thank you. Thank you very much.'

'No problem. I'm glad we solved this injustice.'

Jean-Marie leaned back in one of the chairs after everyone but Isabelle had left. 'I'm glad that's over.'

Isabelle leaned against the table, standing between his feet. 'What about your deal with Yusuf?' she asked, feeling guilty for having him drop a lucrative deal. 'What will you do now?'

'I don't know yet. Make the best of what we have right now probably.'

A knock on the door turned their attention to Samantha.

'Mr. al-Hassan is here to see you..' she said with a little worry.

Jean-Marie sighed and gestured for her to show him in and stood up. Isabelle made sure he looked perfect and checked the coffee and tea on the table. Her phone vibrated and she checked it quickly before their guest would come in.

'Jean.' Yusuf said as he came in with Martin. 'What's this I saw? FTC agents investigating you?'

'Hello Yusuf, Martin.' Jean-Marie said and shook their hands. 'Not exactly us, but we were involved with a nasty business they'll be sorting out now.' He gestured for them to sit down. 'My apologies for breaking our appointment earlier.'

Yusuf smiled. 'I heard something strange about that. You risked a big business deal for a woman? That's not exactly the Jean-Marie I know.' he said and his eyes went to Isabelle staring at her phone. 'She must mean a lot to you.'

Jean-Marie chuckled. 'You have no idea.' he said and looked at Isabelle. 'Isabelle?'

'Jean?' she asked softly.

'What is it?' he asked, puzzled at the big smile on her face as she scrolled through the message she had received.

'May I use the crib?'

'The crib?' he asked, and thought she was asking about it for a friend. If it would make someone happy, he figured he could say goodbye to it and give it a new home. 'Yeah.. Who's it for?'

She beamed as she looked at him. 'Me.'

It took a while for the answer to register in his brain. 'Wait, you!?'

She nodded quickly. 'I just got the result form a health check from my doctor. I'm pregnant..'

He had to hold on to the table for a moment. 'Then, we're.., I'm going to..?'

She moved up to him, nervous to see how he would feel about it but happy. 'Will it be okay with you?' she asked, worried about dragging up his past.

He gazed into her shining eyes for a moment, then pulled her close and kissed her with everything he had. After forever he pulled back and caressed her cheek. 'Don't you dare to say no to marrying me.'

She chuckled. 'Not for anything in the world.' she said and leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling their hearts beat hard at the same time.

He kissed the top of her head, then was surprised by clapping. Embarrassed, they watched the big grins on Yusuf and Martin's faces as they clapped their hands.

'The beast has been tamed.' Yusuf joked.

'Hey, don't call her that.' said Jean-Marie and received a playful punch from Isabelle.

'You're horrible.' she said. 'Maybe I should take you for everything you have.'

He took her hand in his and kissed it. 'That's what marriage is for, my dear.'

Samantha and Colette had heard as they stood just outside the conference room and the news spread at once through the office, so when the couple walked out of the room the whole office applauded and congratulated them.

Isabelle received big hugs from the girls and good luck on handling the boss.

Yusuf placed a hand on Jean-Marie's shoulder while he shook hands with his staff. 'You take care of this priority first, then call me next week to discuss the contracts.'

'Yusuf, thank you.' Jean-Marie said.

Yusuf gave him a nod. 'I like to deal with people with integrity and a common sense of what's important in life.' he said and congratulated Isabelle just before leaving with Martin.


Isabelle and Jean-Marie stood in front of the crib at his home. She saw a tear rolling down his cheek as he stared at it with a gentle smile and moved her hand in his.

'I'm glad you got a second chance..' she said softly.

He looked at her and kissed her softly. 'Not a second chance.' he whispered. 'A new beginning.'

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, no longer his, but theirs. Laying her down gently on the bed, he kissed her neck while she moved her fingers through his hair. He unbuttoned her blouse slowly, kissing further down her chest on her bare skin, then undid her skirt when he reached her navel. She moved her hips to help him slide it down with her panties, then wrapped her arms around his neck to pull up so he could unhook her bra. She pushed him to sit on the bed, straddled him and let him take off her blouse and bra.

They let their lips and tongues exchange their love in a passionate kiss while she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off him, then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, stroking the bulge behind his boxer shorts. She pulled back to sit on her knees in front of him and pulled off his pants and shorts after he stood up.

She reached out for his erection but he sat back down, pulling her up with him and rolling her on her back on the bed to continue kissing her. The touch of his warm hands along her back filled her with desire and she reached between her legs, guiding his erection inside her and sighed as his heat filled her and engulfed her with comfort.

They kept kissing in their embrace until sleep took them away.



'I don't know.' Isabelle said. 'It just didn't do anything when I powered it on. And it doesn't look like anything's disconnected.'

Ramirez checked the back of her computer and nodded. 'Yeah, it's all connected. Maybe the power supply. I can get you a spare computer and have you up and running quickly.'

'Thanks.' she said. 'And it had to happen just when Jean wanted to see you this morning.'

'It's okay. These things happen.'

'Computer broke down?' asked Samantha, bringing two mugs of coffee.

Isabelle nodded.

Jean-Marie came out of his office and shook Ramirez's hand. 'I have something for you.' he said and held up two tickets. 'I got these première tickets to The Halfling première tonight from a friend, but Isabelle and I have family matters to attend to and I thought I'd give these to you as a small token of our appreciation, seeing how you enjoy this fantasy genre.'

'Thank you very much!' said Ramirez, looking at them. 'I'm looking forward to seeing it.'

'The Halfling?' asked Samantha. 'I love the book and can't wait to see what the movie's like.'

Isabelle saw the hesitation on Ramirez's face. 'Ramirez, you don't have someone to go with, right?'

He shook his head.

'Well, why not take Samantha with you? She's enough of a fantasy lover to keep you from being bored.' Isabelle chuckled.

Samantha looked a little hopeful at the chance to experience the première and the stars that would be there.

'Ehm,' muttered Ramirez, then took a deep breath. 'would you like to go?' he said quickly to hide his nervousness.

She nodded and smiled. 'If you don't mind?'

'I'd be honoured.' he said softly, blushing a little.

'Well then.' said Jean-Marie and pulled the two together. 'To complete the reward I owed you, why don't you both take off early and have dinner at Louis on me. It's a quiet place and would fit well with a première evening.'

Before either Samantha or Ramirez could decline he returned to his office asking 'Can you reserve a table for them, Isabelle?'.

'Will do.' she said.

'But, I didn't deserve any reward?' Samantha said. 'I'd feel bad for using Ramirez like this.'

Isabelle shrugged. 'Then you'll have to think of something to make it up to him.' she said.

'I don't mind!' Ramirez said. 'I'd like to hear your opinion on the book and movie. I also read it and the sequels to it.'

'I must have read those a dozen times.' Samantha said.

'Good, then have fun tonight and tell me all about it tomorrow.' said Isabelle and pushed them on their way. 'Jean and I have to go now.'

Samantha chuckled. 'I know. I almost feel bad for him having to endure watching you choose a wedding dress.'

Isabelle smiled and glanced at Jean-Marie. "It's going to be my master's choice though." she thought, her heart beating faster.


Isabelle and mr. BêteWhere stories live. Discover now