crumbling but still ok

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Eli stormed out of the room. I tried to get up, but Noah and Rose immediately held me down.

"Lay down, you need to rest," Rose told me. I pushed her and Noah off of me and got up quickly. And painfully, might I add. My head spun, my back ached, and my eyesight blurred, but I stayed up and rushed after Eli. The hall was bright and I saw the purple headed boy rush away.

"Eli," I called. He turned around and looked at me with a hurt and angry expression.

"How many times have you lied to me?!" he yelled and walked up to me, getting in my face. I groaned.

"I haven't-"

"Don't lie to me anymore! You have obviously lied to me, you piece of trash!" Eli was pissed. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. Eli was on the verge of having another scene.

"Yes, Eli, I'm sure that I have lied to you, but you need to calm down," I told him, desperately. He nodded and started to breath deeply. "Do you want to go to your room and talk?" I asked quietly. Eli nodded again and started walking across the lobby quickly, me following him. When we got into the other hallway, Eli led me past three doors and up to the fourth one on our left. He dug a key out of his pocket and jabbed it into the key slot, twisting it and then yanking the door open. We stepped into the small, cluttered room, sharing a similar set-up as my own. Two loft bed in opposite corners and a window by the farthest one. Eli slammed the door shut when we were in.

"I hate you," he said bitterly and looked at me in disgust. I shrugged even though it really hurt to hear that coming from Eli's mouth.

"I don't blame you," I replied, trying to keep a straight face and not showing how upset I was. Eli stepped closer to me.

"I really, really hate you," he growled. Another step towards me was taken, dragging him closer to me. I took a step back.

"I don't like lying scum, like you," he spat quietly. More steps. I was backing away until my back was against the wall. Eli took on more step to me, his face only inches away from mine. I could feel his breath fanning on my face softly. I noticed his eyes weren't crystal blue, but more of a faint blue-ish green.

I honestly thought that Eli was going to attack me. I was mentally preparing myself for the punches to be thrown at my head. He didn't move, though. He stared into my gray eyes, which were full of fear.

"But you're so goddamned perfect," he whispered and slammed his lips onto mine. I was surprised and unprepared. Eli's eyes were screwed shut and mine were wide open. I couldn't stay shocked forever, though. I started kissing him back and closing my eyes. His soft lips were against my slightly chapped ones, and soon Eli's hands were on my waist. I didn't necessarily know what to do with my hands, since I have never kissed anyone before, so I just took my best guess and put my hands on Eli's neck.

A few moments later, Eli pulled away. Then he pulled away from me all together and backed up.

"This is sick," he said and rubbed his forehead. "You don't even like me, and if you did and you told me so, I wouldn't be able to believe you. You are playing some twisted game with my mind," Eli ranted.

I walked over to him. "Eli," I said softly and put a hand on his arm. He relaxed a bit. "I will try to get better, ok? I want you to trust me," I told him.
"I want to trust you," he replied. I nodded. "You are going to try to get better, though. Right?"

I nodded. "Right." Truth.


Eli was different. He was beautiful. He told me his entire story:

His life was going great until two years ago. A family was murdered and people said he did it. He didn't. The man saying he did it was the real killer. He was in jail for 7 months and then was put into Yester for 'unusual and unnatural behavior'. He was later declared bipolar and the charges held for him were released because of his 'mental illness'. 3 months later the detectives for the murder case found the real killer, but that didn't change Eli's disease so he had to stay here. His family didn't bother trying to get him out. I could relate.

After he told me this, he asked for my story. I told him: neglectful parents, siblings that I miss, how the lying helped make sure that no one knew what they could believe about me. Eli is a good listener.

When I was done, we kissed some more. We were sitting on a small couch that he had shoved in the corner of the room, and the room started to get darker as the sun went down.

I stopped kissing him. "I want to get another tattoo," I told him. He nodded.

"I'll come with you," he replied.

Lucy, the woman who did my tattoo last time, was just about to lock the door when we got there.

"Should we come back tomorrow?" I asked her.

"No, no, I don't really want to leave. Come on in," she told us and opened the door. "You can go to the back room and find the tattoo you want. I'll go get the stuff," she said and walked into a different room. Eli and I made our way into the back room and I sat down in one of the two chairs. I noticed a small table in the corner with some blank pieces of paper and some pencils. I asked Eli to hand me one of the pieces of paper and a pencil, and he did. I pressed the lead to the paper and started writing. When I was done, Lucy walked in with the needles.

"You got an idea?" she asked.

"Yeah, um, what about this? On my fingers? And then behind my ear?" I asked. She nodded.

"Let's get started, then," she said with a small smile.

As the needle dipped into my skin and the ink etched into my fingers, I felt some sort of relief. Like I was getting something off of my chest. I looked over at Eli, and he was looking at me. He gave me a sympathetic smile, showing me that he understood. I returned the smile, showing him that I understood as well. We didn't know what we both understood, but understanding nothing is better then not understanding anything.

Another 15 minutes and Lucy was done with my fingers. She moved to my head, right behind my right ear. Another ten minutes of relieving pain and she was done.

"I love doing your tattoos," she told me as I studied the ink on my raw flesh. I smiled.

"Why's that?"

"There's a story behind ever single one," Lucy explained while cleaning up. "You have a mind, and you use it. People like that always come to places like this. But you bring your thoughts to actions. It's hard to find people like that at all."

I thought for a moment. "And that's why you're still here?"

Lucy smiled. "They told me that people like us don't belong in a world like the one we live in today."

I understood what she meant. I looked back down at my newest tattoos. I intertwined my fingers, keeping my fingernails tucked in my palms. In between my second and third knuckles on each fingers, I had two words (one letter on each finger) written out in my handwriting, perfectly mimicked:



And behind my ear:


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