To the beyond chapter 6

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Its funny to say I've been in jail about a year already and I am the pack leader of my gang. I got a few tattoos expecialy one that says Audry on it.

I love her and I hope that creep Alex doesnt get to her. I mean his sister was a creep just like him. She always bothered my co worker. She didnt like her so I took care of it. Its worth being here for my convicted murder.

They put my bail on a 200 million nobody I know can pay that debt. Heck nobody I know is that rich.

"MR. Ronnie Calabot. Since that is your leagal name. There is some phyco bilionare willing to bail you out."

I tilited my head,"Bail me out ?Why?"

" I don't know just come with me. You will be relesed since everything is final."

I looked at officer Leyrod. Something is up.

We got me out of the prision. I didnt see who bailed me until I stepped foot into a limo.

"Hello Ronnie." The sinister male voice said.

"Iam Carla's father. Mr. Semore Dolton." The richest man in Xavier.
I cant believe he bailed me out.

"Listen I know you murrderd Adalynn Cutter. Right now I need you to do me a favior."

"Yes sir I'll do it."

"WAIT BOY," He shouted,"you dont know what the deal is. "

"Listen, I need you to kill Alex Cutter, he broke my daughters heart by falling for that wertched girl, Audry." Audry? He is falling for my Audry? I feel the tenison build up.

"If you compliete this task I will clear your recored and you will start clean."

"Yet how can I do that? They will regonize me."

"NOT to worry boy. I got that under control." After that said he gave me a sinister smile .


Docters appoimtments after docter appointments. I've spent a year raising her and now the worst has happened. I might loose the one thing that makes sence in my life.

"Hello sir, your daughter has a visitor."

"Shes asleep." I said flat out fustrated.

"Well they are here to see you." I tilited my head.

"Hello Brother." I looked to see Ronnie... but how.

"Your not my brother." I said in discust.

" Okay, friend."

"Don't ever assosiate me as your friend."


I shook my head.

"Umm.... person whose sister I murderd."
My eyes went up in flames.

"Get Out Now." I pointed at the door.
He walked to the door and them turned around.

"I would sleep with one eye open if I where you. Just a heads up." He waved his hand and walked out.


Hello loves

Sorry for the short chapter.

I just wanted this to be a seprate part.

Next chapter will be long..

Picture of Ronnie is on here

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