You Don't Scar Me .... chapter 7

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Okay I do feel bad that I choose killing Alex for my freedom. I mean he is a single father. I just don't know much about the kid.

I don't even know the gender.

" You put some scare into him?" The Semore asked.

"Yeah, but I mean I don't think he felt threatened." I shrugged my shoulders.

In a blink of an eye I felt my feet above the ground.
"LISTEN BOY," He let me go and brushed himself down, " you're going to kill that man and I will dance in his blood and bones. THE SON OF SERGIO CUTTER WILL DIE!!" He laughed evily. His smile was devious, right now at this moment it looks like I made a deal with the devil.


After getting the surprise visit from Ronnie I have been more careful. He isn't any harm. I am guessing I am his next target. He did kill my sister.


I walked to the door. Carla looked like a whole new person. Her purple scene hair became brown. She also had a shirt that was up to her bellybutton . She looks like a swagger girl.

"Alex I need to warn you. My dad is sending an assassin to kill you. I don't know why but I really need you to becareful." She said all that and slowly walked away.

"Carla wait," She stopped before she could get pass the gate," Well Breeze is sick...With cancer and it would mean a lot to her to meet her mom. At least 1 time. " She turned around looking as she was about to cry.

" Where is she ?" She asked.

" Inside with Olley , Issa and Audry. "

"That emo freak is with my daughter."
" Don't call her a freak. You where there once." She shrugged.

"How old is she now?"

" About a year and 7 months, she has been going threw treatment 6 months. "

We got to the living room.

"DADA!!" Breeze then hugged me.

"Hey Breeze where's your oxygen tank?"

"She just took it off and she is breathing just fine . I don't know how," Audry looked still in shock .

"We need to get her to the hospital. What if something good is happening." I said.

"Yeah, I'll go with you guys. The least I could do after abandoning her. "

"Um Carla you arnt the legal guardian so you can't come with." Issa said.
" Oh and you guys can? He is a single parent . "

" Well in 4 weeks he'll he married."

" Married to who?" She sounds pissed.

" I am getting married to the daughter of a rich family. Not my choice, she choose me to be her husband after it ment to he my brother to get picked. "


May I have forgotten to mention I have 2 other siblings . I am part of a tripplet. One of my brothers were kidnapped as an infant so I never really met or remember him. My other brother is kind of like me. We look exactly alike. Just he has green eyes and I have blue.

"Yeah me his brother." Jake said .

"And with this rich girls money we can find our lost brother ."

"Wait what? I am confused. What the heck is going on?"

" Well explain another day. Right now we all have to go ."


I didn't want her to know that I am really marring Audry. I know Carla will blow. Yeah my brother thing is true. It's just Jake and I were both raise in different homes. Jake was raised by my uncle Joe . That's because Jake was a trouble boy.


"What doc? " we all asked.

" It's gone . The cancer is gone. "

My eyes opened wide.

" It's like some presence is healing her. " He said .

" That's impossible. "
" Believe the impossible . It just happend ." He smirked.



I looked at my niece and little brother. I really wish they knew I asked for a favior so she can be healed.

"I see she is better now."

"Yes and I am glad she is healed. Its been a bumpy ride. Im just glad that now she is okay. Thank you Simion."

"You have 3 weeks of cleaning the griffen wings."

Griffens are so dirty. Expecialy Ellie, she is only a year old and she still hasnt been more careful when she flys into the trees.

"Yeah I know, I'll get all 4 of them cleaned."

" Oh, did I forget to memtion your cleaning the Elder's griffens."

"But they have 16 griffens..."

"22 now, Little Sage had babies."

" Can the dead faint because I think I am about to." Things started to turn grey.

So many griffens. So many days. Well its all worth it to see Breeze healed.

"Adalynn Cutter , The Elders would like to speak with you." Here comes Eliot.

" Oh really? What is it this time?" I rose my eyebrow. Eliot was born in this world. He is the son of a high class spirit. Since I have been in this afterlife bissniuss I've learned mostly everything about this world.

"Hello Adalynn. My name is Zayree I am the Eldest Elder. You may say the head of this world. " I looked to see a lady dresses in pink. She had a pink pantsuit. Her eyes were white and so was her hair.
" I have watched your progress and you have been selected to be a part of the Elder.Your Training starts with guiding a little girl in her path towords life. Youll then complete your training when she is 18. By then she will be granted a wish."

"Who will this girl be? "

"Youll find out soon." She wink and a snap I was in a room . It was dark.

The door opened letting a little light. I rubbed my eyes and then the light turned on. Before I could blink twice I felt a little body hug me.

" Your my gaurdian fairy!" The little girls voice said.

"Yes and whats your name?"

"They call me Breeze. I thought you knew that. "I looked down at her face and saw a lot of my brother Alex.

"My dad is at work so my soon to be mommy will be taking care of me."

"Breeze who are you talking to?" A voice asked.

"My fairy."

"OH and whats your fairys name."

"Addie." I wisperd .

"Awddie, "

"Okay well get your 3 year old but into bed."

"OKAY MOMMY." She shouted and crawledd into her bed.

" You can sleep at the baywimdow. The nights beautiful." I looked at the bay window. It looks exactly like I rememberd seeing it.

"Goodnight Breeze. " I kissed her forehead as she fell asleep.

This will be interesting.

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