All You Write Are Lies

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Dan's POV

PJ seemed like a decent person, so why the hell would he make me and that stupid "author" Phil work under the same editor?! I guess I would have understood more if he hadn't known that we don't get along, but that CHEEKY LITTLE SHIT WAS AMUSED BY THE WHOLE THING!

Chewing on the bagel that I had taken,I was to mad to take a taxi to my apartment, so I decided to walk... about halfway there my physically unfit self regretted it. I spotted a park, and went on a little quest to find a bench to rest my poor muscles.

I finally spotted one by a duck pond and forced my feet to walk the distance. It felt blissful sitting down. I was still mad that Phil and I had the same editor because we are so different. Yes,I know my stories are dark and tragic but life isn't all sunshine, rainbows and shit! You have to be reminded of the bad sides. I will admit my stories are too sad sometimes, but that makes it so when people finish the book they can find something happy in their reality. Unlike Phil's happy ass stories, where all he writes are lies.

Getting too upset over it, my eyes wondered over the duckies in the pond. I don't know when I drifted off to sleep but I was woken up by a small little boy taping on my knee, "sir...Sir...SIR!"

My eyes shot open and I had to look around before tilting my head downwards to see the small worried looking child.

"Sir, I thought you were dead! So I came to make sure you weren't.... My mommy told me not to disturb people I don't know, but you look nice!"

I smiled at his innocence, but before I could respond, his mother called out to him and he rushed off. It looked way later than when I arrived,and checking my phone I confirmed that it was almost three in the afternoon! I got up and instantly felt my neck crick, and tense muscles, bloody hell.

I called out to a taxi because I wasn't going to put my body through any more torture. Finally reaching my apartment, I paid the driver and slugged my way upstairs. My body has been through too much physical exercise today.

As soon as I entered, I passed through the marble floors directly towards my room. I flopped down on my bed face first and groaned as I felt my body's pain,then I groaned louder as I remembered the morning meeting with my new "editor". My stomach began to rumble, as I have only ate once. So I groaned again and lazily grabbed my phone from my pocket and ordered some expensive delivery food.

I fell asleep, and only woke up when the doorbell kept ringing. I was lazy as fuck, and I looked like total trash with messy hair, my black sweatshirt falling off my shoulder slightly and just my skinny jeans and socks on. I guess the delivery guy made assumptions I had someone in there with me, because he winked and said "You have a good time now."

I smiled slightly,but didn't tell him the truth, because at least now he believed I was cool.. and not pathetically slumping around. I took my food into the screening room and put on Game of Thrones. I was a lot calmer than this morning, but still pretty sore.

My bathtub was amazingly soothing. Even though I'm too freaking tall to fit in completely, the water jets did a great job at massaging my back. After about thirty minutes, I heard my phone ring alarming me that I had received a text message. I knew it was PJ because I set a specific ringtone for him.

I wasn't mad anymore,my senses were tranquil, and my body felt recovered. I got out of the tub and without grabbing a towel I reached for my phone that was on the porcelain sink counter. "Hi Dan,sorry about this morning. Tomorrow at twelve pm, bring your latest chapter for our first editing session."

I was no longer calm, I was no longer tranquil, as my heart started racing, and adrenaline kicked in because I realized while mopping around all day, I HADN'T FINISHED MY NEXT CHAPTER OF MY STORY! Gosh, I was an idiot.

I almost slipped trying to speed dry myself and threw on the first things I saw which were a pair of grey boxers and an oversized white T-shirt. I went over to my desk, pulled out the laptop and began writing,but I'll admit it was crap because I was rushing.

By the time I "finished" it was 12:30 am. As much as I preferred being a night owl,my day had been far too stressful to not go to sleep. Therefore I set my alarm and flopped into bed.

"Dan..... What the crap is this?!" PJ had just read my chapter and was clearly aware that it sucked.

"Sorry I had forgotten about it and I may have rushed that..."

"This story is called You'll go Out Tonight, not Maybe I'll go Out Sometime. We just wasted a whole hour on this."

I felt embarrassed and lowered my head in shame,avoiding looking directly into his eyes I squeaked out an apology. And in that instant I heard a giggle coming from the other side of the door.

PJ sighed, "I texted Phil saying that your session was cut short, I'm going to give you until next week to rewrite this chapter Dan."

"Thank you" I said sternly knowing Phil was outside and grabbed my things and opened the door to leave. And that little shit was smiling at me.

"I couldn't help but overhear that your writing was terrible" He giggled.

"Shut up Lester, eavesdroppers are pathetic"

"Maybe... But at least my writing isn't rushed."

"My writing isn't rushed all the time!" I was starting to get irritated.

"Really? Hmm then why was it today?" He was saying this with such a smug attitude.

"Because this time I... wait, why do I have to explain myself to you? I'm wasting my time with someone who is too damn cheery all the time to understand real human complexities... So now if you will excuse me, fuck off"

He just looked at me, and walked straight passed me into PJ's office,and slammed the door shut. I was about to leave when I heard him complaining about me.

"That attitude of his is so irritating, I don't get him."

"Phil,you two crack me up, but enough about him, has Chris told you that the editor's go away party is this friday?"

"No,he hasn't yet,but I'm sure he will."

"Well you and Dan both have to be there if you want to say goodbye to your ex editors."

Shit... I had forgotten that I have to attend the same event as Lester.

*I've been busy,so sorry for the late chapter update. I'm sorry if it was a little boring but hopefully you still liked it and continue reading. :)*

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