Chapter 27

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The scores are in and the Damian/ Phil nickname is........... Damial! (Also there will be a very long authors note at the end)

About a minute after Phil stepped outside Dan's house and started walking Phil realised he had forgotten his phone. As it wasn't far he decided he may as well go back and get it now, and he would be able to get a few more kisses from Dan.

He walked up the path and rang the doorbell, smiling widely. Damian opened it and grinned when he saw it was Phil, but looked confused about why he was there.
"I left my phone in Dan's room," Phil explained.
"Oh right, I'll follow you up, let me just grab this mug, I made hot chocolate for Amy," he said blushing a little.
"You're so sweet," Phil simpered and Damian stuck his tongue out at him. "I know you haven't been together long but how do you think it's going?"
"Alright. I'm not sure if I really like her though, I'm a bit confused about someone else," he said awkwardly.
"Oh, well just take some time and see how you feel. And if you don't like her and like the other person just try and tell them, they could feel the same way back," Phil told him smiling. Damian's face lit back up and they began walking up the stairs side by side.

As it got a tighter squeeze at the top Phil let Damian go first. He followed him up around the corner and stopped dead behind Damian. The mug fell and a crack started breaking his heart.

Dan was kissing Amy.

He let out a strangled cry and felt his world start to crash down. Dan spun around and panic rose to his face, his eyes wide in shock. Amy's looked purely confused and tears began to well in her eyes too.
"Damian? Oh shit I thought you were Dan!" She cried and backed away from Dan and Damian's face crumpled and he shook his head at her.
"I can't," he said and leant heavily against the wall, staring at the floor. Dan locked eyes with Phil, his mouth trying to say something but the first sob choked Phil's throat and hot heavy tears started pouring down his cheeks. Phil span around and ran back downstairs, half blinded by the endless salt water cascading from his eyes and into the night, the freezing cold battling against his skin, but it didn't hurt as much as the breaking of his heart.


"Amy you should go. I'm sorry but this is over," Damian told her.bShe sniffed and nodded and walked quickly downstairs and out of the door. Damian quickly dived into his room and grabbed a hoodie and pulled on some shoes before walking back out into the corridor to see Dan still staring and looking bewildered and honestly lost. Damian would have felt sorry for him, but at the moment he didn't give a shit about his twat for a brother.

"Why are you going after him?" Dan asked confusedly as Damian started walking down the stairs.
"Because he deserves someone to look out for him," Damian said harshly, walking up to face Dan.
"You don't even know each other," Dan hissed at him, his mouth twisting horribly into a sneer.
"We do, check his phone, and I know he deserves someone who won't do what you just did out of spite," Damian growled.
"But I didn't mean to. I love him, I am in love with him," Dan said earnestly, life dying behind his eyes as the true realisation of what he had done.
"You aren't you little shit or you wouldn't do something like that to someone like him,"
"Yeah, like you would know what love really is, and you have already done it to your brother!"
"You have just done it back and lost the most important thing to you and you are angry at me? And do you know what? I do actually, I know exactly how it feels to be in love with someone." He took a deep breath, and stared Dan in the eyes. "And he has just run out that door." Damian whispered, then ran out after Phil into the night, his heart pounding.

He had to find Phil. He wouldn't have gone home, and he knew exactly where he would be.


Phil was curled into the smallest ball possible and sobbing, clutching at the leaves around him in his hideaway. He had just felt the rush of a million heartbreaks, and the pain wasn't going away quickly. He just hoped Dan wouldn't come looking for him, this was his sanctuary, and he wished he had kept it private, seeing Dan was not an option. He closed his eyes as tight as possible, almost like if he shut out the world it would rewrite time and Dan would still be his.

But they weren't together anymore. Dan had made it clear Phil wasn't what he wanted, he had just been force fed lies and adoration. The worst part was that Phil had never been with anyone in anyway before, and had just been left alone to try and understand everything. No one was going to help him or lead the way now, he was just totally alone.

He heard rustling and opened his eyes, sitting up, shivering when he realised it was cold and he had no jacket. He readied his tongue to shout at Dan, to tell him to go to hell, but it was Damian who appeared. Damian knelt up and opened his arms silently and Phil dived into them, the tears he was managing to suppress bursting out as he buried his head into Damian's neck. Damian held him tight as he sobbed, making shushing noises to try and calm him down a little.

"Phil, please don't be sad," Damian told him, stroking his hair comfortingly.
"How can I not? The guy I love doesn't love me back," Phil sniffed. His tears had stopped falling but he kept clinging to Damian, it made him feel less alone.
"I know the feeling," Damian mumbled quietly.
"What?" Phil asked, moving away.
"Nothing," Damian said quickly. "Phil you're shivering," he said worriedly.
"I am?" Phil said glumly, looking down at his arms that were covered in goosebumps. He felt so numb on the inside he didn't realise his outside was doing the same.
"You are, come on let's get you home before you get hypothermia," Damian said, gesturing for Phil to go out first. Phil sniffed again and nodded, starting to crawl back along the tunnel.

When he straightened up outside he started feeling the cold now he didn't have Damian holding him and crossed his arms, shivering violently and consciously. Damian stood up beside him and smiled sadly.
"Here, have my hoodie," he said, unzipping it and passing it to him.
"No," Phil mumbled. "Then you will be cold,"
"No it's fine, I'm always warm so just take it, I really don't want you to get ill," Damian pleaded and Phil didn't have the will power to protest so slid it on and zipped it up.
"Thanks Dame," he almost whispered.
"Come on, you're going home," he said firmly and put his arm around Phil's shoulders and starting to guide him back towards his house.

Phil's mum was walking out to the car when they got to his house.
"I walked him home as he wasn't feeling very well," Damian told her.
"Thanks Dan, you're so good to my Phil," she smiled and then waved, stepping into the car and driving off. Phil whimpered and stifled a sob and Damian clutched him tighter, walking him through the open door.

"Don't leave me alone," Phil whispered as Damian started to pull away.
"Okay," he said simply and started to walk Phil up to his room, opening the door for him and sitting him down on his bed. It was like moving a corpse, Phil didn't seem alive at all. He sat stiffly at the edge of the bed and Damian ended up sitting against the headboard and pulling Phil next to him, just to make him more comfortable. He wrapped his arm back around Phil's shoulder and Phil relaxed, feeling comfort in Damian's warm embrace.

"Do you want to talk about anything? Or do you want ice cream?" He asked, trying to at least coax a small smile from Phil. Phil shrugged and Damian understood. Phil just felt empty, no sweet foods would make it better, only Dan would. He sat staring at his wall for a few minutes, unable to fix his gaze on anything in particular, his mind clouding with only Dan. Perfect lovely Dan. Sweet sensitive Dan. Gorgeous lying Dan. Betraying cheating Dan.

"That fucking asshole," Phil shouted, making Damian jump beside him. "He fucking lied to me about everything! He was the brother I was meant to be careful of not you but he fed my mind with lies and broke my heart and where is he?" Phil screamed, jumping off the bed and pacing around the room, pure anger behind his eyes. "At home, probably laughing about how clever he was to ruin someone so easily! I hate him!" He screamed and flung himself on the bed, his head landing on Damian's lap as he started to sob again.
"Phil..." Damian started.
"I hate him," Phil mumbled, clutching at his bed sheets.
"Phil... Someone who has done this to you isn't worth it. I know, he did it to me too remember and that's because I did it first back when I was horrible, I just didn't love Amy," he said calmly.
"Oh god Dame I'm sorry I forgot about Amy. He only did this to spite you didn't he? I just got in the way," Phil muttered, sitting up again and wiping his eyes roughly with Damian's hoodie sleeve.
"It's fine. I am not hurting as much as you, and it's probably for the best. And at least now I can focus on the person I really like," Damian said with a small smile. "The person I am in love with," he added, looking down sadly.

"In love with? Who is it? Maybe I can help you get through to them. I want you to be happy even if I'm not," Phil said, the corner of his lips propping up the tiniest amount.
"You can't help. They like someone else. And I'm fine Phil, and you're not. So I am helping you first," Damian said sweetly, smiling as if to convince Phil he was telling the truth.
"Dame stop being so saintly. Let me help. Who is it?" He asked.
"I don't want to say," he said, ducking his head, hiding his face.
"Please Dame," Phil begged. "I want to help," he said, moving Damian's head and looking straight into Damian's soft brown eyes. "Please." He said finally.
"Fine. But, just, please don't hate me when I tell you. And I know they will never feel the same back so it's stupid me feeling like this and-"
"Dame please just tell me," Phil asked again. Damian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"You." The word slipped from his mouth and there was no way he could take them back.

Then Phil pressed his lips against his.

His hands slid around Damian's neck and he pulled him in closer. Damian started to kiss back, putting all the passion and love he felt for Phil into it, wanting to show him how he really felt. And now he was able to. Phil tugged apart for a few seconds to kneel across Damain's lap, putting his knees either side of Damian's thighs before crashing his lips back in place, Damian's hands holding his hips tightly. Damian moaned at the contact, making Phil groan back and roll his body into Damian's.

Phil started kissing down his jaw and down his neck, pushing one of his hands through Damian's soft tangles, pulling it slightly and earning a soft moan from him. Phil slid his other hand up Damian's shirt, feeling the toned muscles and running his hands over them, noises escaping his throat as he felt them ripple against his hand. Phil stopped kissing Damian's neck and pulled him closer, pulling his top off him, flinging it somewhere across his room and pressing his lips back against his clearly visible clavicle, sucking at the edge of one, making Damian let out a small growl with pleasure. He sucked up Damian's neck harshly, licking off the brushing skin to sooth it before attacking his lip again. Damian tugged off Phil's hoodie and pulled at his shirt and Phil moved back, ripping them off in a few seconds before pinning Damian back and nibbling at his lip before Damian slid his tongue inside Phil's mouth, exploring it.
"Phil," he breathed between kisses, tugging Phil closer by his waist, sliding his hands down to his butt, cupping it and pulling his hips down on him. Phil kissed along his lips in short pecks, moving to his ear and nibbling at it, hearing a loud whine appear from Damian.

"Shit, Phil," Damian moaned again.
"Yeah baby?" Phil growled, tugging at his ear making him let out a high pitched sigh, rolling his body into Phil's again. Damian looked as if he was trying to form words, but his mouth kept opening and no sound was coming out. "Having problems taking? I will just have to keep your mouth busy then," Phil smirked and smashed his lips back against his, tangling their tongues together roughly.
"You bitch," Damian panted.
"Eat me,"

Damian pulled away from Phil and let a sly grin spread over his face.
"As you wish," he smirked and pushed Phil over, pinning his hands above his head and instantly biting down on his neck, making a small scream erupt from Phil's lips. Damian licked over the spot, soothing it slightly before sucking back down on it menacingly, making Phil's breath hitch and his back arch upwards. Damian was kissing along Phil's clavicle when this happened and sunk his teeth around the protruding bone, making Phil yell out a little again. Phil wriggled around trying to get his wrists free and slipped them out from under Damian's grip, grabbing onto his back and running his nails down it, making Damian groan and suck even harder at Phil's neck. Phil tucked his hands into Damian's back pockets and pulled him closer with enough force to make the bed creak, making Phil let out a small giggle.

"I love it when you laugh," Damian said, pulling back and smiling at him sweetly, gazing into his eyes.
"I love it when you're happy," Phil replied and kissed him again, working a hand into his hair and messing around with the locks. This kiss was more gentle and less heated, more intimate than the lust filled ones of before. And both felt so comfortable.

Phil's lips were slightly puffy and red from all the kisses and his neck was starting to tingle from where he had been bitten but he didn't care. He was just so happy that he was forgetting everything else, and for once, he didn't even feel guilty about putting his own happiness first.

Sooooo... First of all I am sorry (i said i would apologise) but. Dan is a twat and I ship Damial at the moment because they are cute and you know it. Second of all I am not good at writing smut or even make out scenes so I am sorry if you were expecting some but as just those 4ish paragraphs took me like 5 hours on and off the write it would take me like a week :p next up (this is a personal sorry) Emmy I am sorry for not telling you it was Damian I was writing about please don't kill me (please someone protect me) as I know you sort of ship these two anyway.

Okay moving on! I have realised I update pretty much everyday which you guys probably love but I am going to stop. I have a few reasons *ahem*
1. I should be revising and instead I am writing.
2. It will probably make my writing better.
And 3 is cheesy: I kinda don't want this to end as quickly as it probably will (which isn't even that soon) so I am going to stop updating so it can keep going for longer. I know that was super cheesy but still. And I will probably end up writing a sequel because of this so don't complain, I will still update like every 2 days.

But anyway back to other things what do you guys think about what has happened? Did anyone expect it because if you didn't I will be really prod of my plot twist and if you did you are now Sherlock. It is decided.

And here's the pointless bit about my life! I have died the underneath bits of my hair red (kinda pink really) and orange so I have FLAME HAIR! I think I would be called flame girl if I was a superhero. And my power would be hair flips that make stuff burn. Okay totally want that to happen now :3 that and I just made myself some cookie dough and now I feel sick so don't do that, it's not a good idea nope.

Anyway I need to go and get some body armour to protect me from the angry mobs of people hating me for making Dan a bitch. Oops. But anyways...

Stay fuzzy my fluffies!

Anni out! (And is going into hiding)

*throws chocolate at you to make up for the horrible mean evil but good because of the smut kinda area plot line then runs away*

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