Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Eye Spy

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." -Helen Keller

-Third Person-

A small yawn left Scarlet's lips. Pulling her soft brown hair to the left of her head letting it rest on her shoulder.

Steps. After steps. After steps. The continuous walking made both Scarlet's and Ace's feet ache. Their tired legs continued to move, one after the other.

After a while, Scarlet-deciding the silence and her growing boredom had become so unbearable she needed to do something.

"Let's play a game," she randomly blurted out, in an attempt to break the silent.

Ace grunted in response.

" about tag! Wait, no. Hide and seek. Oh! OH. I got it; eye spy," she continued to ramble to herself thinking that he had been listening.

"I know, how about the quiet game? Doesn't that sound like heaps of fun?" Ace said sarcastically.

Scarlet frowned and shook her head.

"Awe come on kid, give me a break. I just want to walk quietly to the nearest inn so we can figure this out in peace," Ace said slightly irritated.

Ace looked at Scarlet's face to see that she was almost in tears.

Letting out a long sigh, Ace reluctantly said,"Fine. We can play Eye Spy, but don't make me regret coming to find you."

Her face was instantly pulled into a smile and she just about jumped up and down in her spot from excitement.

Scarlet had a very determined face-eyebrows pulled together with squinted eyes as she looked around at her surroundings.

Her face had visibly brightened up right before she turned towards Ace to tell him of her findings. " the object is yellow," she said with a toothy smile.

Ace moved his gaze from her sweet face to look for the desired object.

A few moments later his eyes landed on a bright yellow sunflower a few feet away from the road.

Deciding to humor the girl he said," it the...sun?"

"Noo!" Scarlet said with a goofy smile.

"No? Wow, okay-uhh is it the sunflower over there?" Pointing in the direction of the tall flower.

Letting out a surprised gasp, she looked at him with wide eyes. " did you guess it?!"

Ace shrugged a small smile playing on his lips.

"Okay. Now your turn!"

Nodding, Ace took another look around.

His eyes landed on a medium red barn, it looked like it was long abandoned.

"I spy with my giant eye"

Her expression was filled with concentration again as she tried looking for a red item. Giggling she moved her gaze towards Ace's neutral face and said,"I believe that object just HAS to be that big red barn ov'r there."

With a small smile he nodded and she placed her thin arms on her hips proudly, nodding to herself smiling brightly.

After a few more rounds of eye spy, a few small run down buildings popped up here and there. Scarlet seemed to be amazed at the sight of the unfamiliar buildings. The gravel road turning into an old concrete road.

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