Chapter Three

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I was led back to the shadow. "Why did you bring me back?!" I asked. The wind bristles in my mane. "Mom please don't brush my mane yet..." She carried on. I asked her to stop. The wind pushes me along to a lake. I looked at my reflection. "What its just me nothing's there..." They put my head closer to the surface of the chilling water. I needed to adjust my eyes. I rubbed them and saw a shadowy figure hidden in my eyes. I blinked. The shadowy figure left... "Just leave me alone" I thought to myself. "Please..." I sat on the floor and cried. Looking around me seeing what this monster I have "created" in this world... I snivelled and wished that this was just a bad dream. I wish that I could just wake up right now. I slapped my face with my cold hood covered in my aunties blood. I looked at my chest, my face, my hoofs, and my wings... Covered in blood... "Help me..."
I heard someone scream so I flew over to them as quickly as possible. I shouted at the shadow. It ran but I chased after it. It stopped and teleported behind me. "Not this time!" I smirked, turned around and stared at the shadows red eyes with its white stretched mouth. Stretched from ear to ear. I said softly "Why are you doing this???" It's backed away and for a split second I saw a pegasi inside it. I straightened up and stared at the shadow. "What's your name?" It trotted over slowly towards me and put its head on my forehead. I waited and blushed the slightest. I heard a whisper "Help Seth...." I gasped and It roared and ran. "B...but..." I sat still confused out of my mind... "Help Seth... What does that mean?" I flew to Auntie Twilights treehouse. I knocked on her door. "Auntie Twilight may I come in please?" No reply. I asked again. Still no reply. I knocked on the door again and it opened. I saw Uncle Spike in Auntie Twilights mouth and a pole impaled right in the centre of her stomach. I tried to ignore it as Auntie Twilight was much of a boaster. I walked around trying to find the book of Shadows. Searching as hard as I could trying to find the book there was a note of where the book was. On the note it said "In the stomach..." At this point I cringed so hard there was a tiny scalpel next to the note which had carved into it "Property of Seth Killensburg" I gulped and sliced open Auntie Twilights belly. All of a sudden the body twitched. I stopped and quickly steeped away. Then an ultra high sonic scream came out of her. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!" She turned her crooked neck staring at me blood pouring from her eyes. Everything stopped and stayed still. I then said, "u... Um auntie twi~" I was cut off by the pole falling and her screaming again. The came right out of her stomach. She screamed and wailed staring at me thinking that u was the culprit. "YOUUUUUU!!!!" She screamed. "No.... No" I said slowly back away from her. She trotted, the sprinted towards me screaming, "YOU IT WAS YOU!!!!" I shook in fear and I ran out of the door and slammed it shut. I thought I was safe but she was hitting the door with and axe. "YOU YOU YOU!!!!" She was screaming. She got out, spazzing her head back and fourth, not running straight. I was freaked out. Loads of hidden unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi were just watching me fight. I grabbed the axe and threw it at her head. I herd the squishy sound of the brain and skull smashing and exploding. I looked away and didn't want to see that horrible scene. Everypony started to mumble as I walked off.

Hi Guys!!!! Ok so this was quite a long chapter hope u all enjoyed! It gets worse don't worry just listen to dark piano or Slenderman to calm your nerves ;3 lol soz!
Hope u liked! Next chapter tomorrow cuz it is currently 12:55am so YH I'm screwed for tomorrow school XD it was worth it!
-Psychopathy :3

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