Chapter 10

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Henry managed to wait until Reaper had left before he started to shake. Valerie half dragged, half carried him to the garden in front of their house, where Oberon took one look at them both and ushered them inside. Her father's rage was a powerful thing, even when he took care to hold it in. His eyes flashed like an angry god when he heard of their encounters with Rastelli and Reaper.

But instead of hunting Reaper down immediately, like Valerie thought he might, Oberon made Henry a tea of strange herbs that calmed him. Henry eventually slumped in his seat, exhausted, and Oberon carried him to his bed.

When her father and brother left, Valerie heard quiet footsteps behind her and little Emin placed his hand into hers.

His large, dark eyes shone with tears when they met hers. "I wish I could stay with you. I know I could help."

"You're not staying with these Conjurors." Emin's mother's voice cut through the stillness of the room.

Valerie turned and saw Cerise standing in their doorway, and wondered how much she'd overheard.

"Emin's been safe," Valerie said, wearily. "Didn't Azra tell you what happened? It wasn't like we kidnapped him."

Cerise's face softened a fraction. "Perhaps that wasn't fair. I am—grateful—" she almost choked on the word, "that you guarded my son in my absence. I couldn't get here as quickly as I wished, and I can see that he is unharmed. But your help is no longer needed."

Valerie knelt beside Emin so she was at eye level. "I wish you could stay with us, but your family and the People of the Woods need you, too."

"But I want to be a Knight, like you," Emin insisted.

Valerie whispered in his ear. "Someday the choice will be yours, and if you still want to be a Knight, I'll train you myself."

Emin's eyes lit up. "I'll remember!"

Valerie gave him a squeeze and shook Cerise's hand. Before she could tell Oberon or Henry that Emin was leaving, Cerise had already hurried her son away. Maybe it was for the best. She doubted that Henry had it in him to endure another farewell.

Oberon still hadn't emerged from Henry's room, so Valerie went to Henry's door and peeked in. Henry was asleep on his bed, and Oberon was staring down at him with watery eyes.

He turned and saw her in the door. "I should have seen this coming and spared him this. I've failed you both again."

Valerie kept vigil in Henry's room that night, in a chair by the window. Kanti and Cyrus both stopped by, but left without waking him up. Valerie eventually must have dozed off, because Henry's voice startled her awake.

"I want to see my home."

"I'm coming with you," she said.

They held hands and mentally projected to Henry's old home on Earth, where his father, Joe, still lived. Immediately, Valerie wished that she'd tried to convince him not to go back. The house was torn apart, with books flung off shelves and furniture overturned. She suspected that it was made to look as if something horrible had happened here on purpose.

Her instinct was confirmed when they found Zunya sitting in a chair in Joe's bedroom. His yellow eyes gleamed with satisfaction when they met hers.

"Where is he?" Henry said, his voice a whisper. Valerie was proud that he managed to keep the hysteria that was churning inside him out of it.

"Safe, for now," Zunya said. "But not for much longer if you don't meet Reaper's terms. Henry will come to the Black Castle, unarmed, and perform a task. When it is complete, his father will be returned safely."

Guardians of the Boundary (Book 3 of The Conjurors Series)Where stories live. Discover now