Chapter 12; How to train a Princess

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Danielle's POV:

I was currently in history class, learning about all of the kingdoms and such. How important they were. I tried to focus, even though I could hardly sleep last night because of a new vision I got. I've been having these visions lately and they seemed to be from the future. I have been writing them in a journal until further notice, incase the vision comes true, incase it happens.

"Alright Danielle, it's time for your lesson with Merida." My dad said. It's always either my mom or my dad who watches over me in every class. Just incase something happens.

"Thanks for the lesson North! I'll make sure that essay about the Dragon Fire will be as pure as gold!" North chuckled at my comment.

"Anytime dear. Now go on, we both know Merida won't wait forever." I nodded, grabbing my stuff and running to the battle arena that was set up in the castle for training. Merida has taught me a few things which were pretty standard training techniques. As I walked into the arena Merida was firing her arrows into the sunset. Clearly she was all fired up from the start. Pretty normal for a strong queen like her though.

"Alright lassy, time for training. But first tell me, how hard did I go on ye yesterday? I hope I didn't make ye go to the infirmary or somethin,. You were pretty badly beat." I shrugged.

"I'm alright, still a couple bruises but I'm okay. No need to worry. Let's just get training we, don't have all day." I said, getting ready for her attack. I had to start slowing her down a bit. What I've learned is to stand by and watch her use her attacks on me and see her battle formats, then start attacking slowly until she's weakened. I just can't use all my magic energy at once or I won't be able to use it when I need it desperately. After a few minutes she noticed how I kept freezing the arrows and dodging them at the same time.

"Good job lassy, using this is a good opportunity. Ye have the upper hand on me so far. Nice to know that ye've been paying attention." She said while shooting arrows at me still. I flipped behind cover.

"I need to pay attention in this class this war between me and Pitch isn't over yet." I whispered. Finally after a few more minutes her arrows grew to short numbers and I froze the ground, forcing her to stay there. Quickly I made an ice sword, lightly tapping her arm. "I've won." Instead of actually killing my trainer, we decided a tap on the shoulder or arm shows the end of the battle. She smiled at me.

"You're making progress lassy. Someday you might be better than yer father."

"What did you just say about me!?" Merida and I laughed as my dad was spying on our conversation.

"Peeping in on us are ye Jack? I don't remember ye being the stalker type of Guardian." Merida said as my dad came in the room. He pouted as me and I watched as Merida snickered again.

"Anyways," I father said. "the real reason why I came here is because training will have to be cut short today. She has to go see Hiccup now before she has her meeting."

"Meeting? Of what kind? Do I get to decide everything around here or is everything already decided for me?"

"Both, now come on let's make this quick." My dad said. I nodded.

"Sorry Merida, maybe another time before you go back to DunBroch?"

"Yeah, why not? See ye tomorrow." I walked out of the arena with my dad and walked to the armory where Hiccup was working on an old looking sword of his.

"Hey Hic. I'm ready for my lesson now."

"Sweet. Just let me, uh, finish this sword up real quick and we'll get right to it." My dad left the room as Hiccup finished up that sword of his, I started reading from an old book about magic, spells, and all sorts of wonderful things. I've always been obsessed with reading. It taught me so many things I wanted to know and remember throughout my life. But alas, I could not for all the other 'important' things in my life other than family bonding time.

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