First Show Meltdown

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It was the next day, the guys had their first show tonight. It was gonna be sick. Tyler and Josh are on stage doing sound check for tonight. Jenna and Caiden are sitting on the floor watching them. "I'm so excited for tonight. I hope they aren't nervous!" Caiden said with cheer. "Usually they always are on their first night, but it goes away by the second or third show." Said explained to Caiden. "Uh ugh jeez..not again." Caiden said with pain. "Cai-Caiden are you okay?!" Jenna asked with concern. "Yeah, I just get these horrible migraines and they won't go away." Caiden said. "That's weird." I know."

Later that day people starting piling in their seats, getting food and drinks, bouncing up and down with excitement. Caiden and Jenna were in the VIP section. The lights went down, fans started screaming, music starting playing. It was ecstatic! Caiden and Jenna started dancing and singing as they see their boyfriends do what they love to do. Suddenly Caiden stops dancing. Holds her head. "You have another migraine?!" Jenna yelled as loud as she could so Caiden could hear. "Mhmm" Caiden said while whimpering. Jenna gave her a bottle of water to help with the pain "here, have this. Maybe it'll help." Thanks Jenna." Caiden said smiling as she grabbed the bottle. Josh was in the crowd with his drums about to continue playing Ride. Josh spots Caiden in the crowd, smiles and hits his drums. Suddenly Caiden, still with the migraine, falls over, hits her head on the railing, unconscious. "TYLER STOP THE MUSIC!" Josh yelled at Tyler as loud as he can. Tyler stops the music, Josh gets off his drums, runs towards the crowd, security helping him so he doesn't get pulled by fans. "Caiden! Hey are you with me?! Caiden!" Josh screamed, freaking out. He looks at a security guard and says "call 911, we need an ambulance!" "Now! Hurry!" Josh said in panic. "Hey what happened he- oh my god Caiden!!" Jenna came over next to Josh while he was holding Caiden. "I was playing, looked over at her, then a couple seconds after that, she has passed out." Josh explained. "The ambulance is here, Josh you gotta let them take her to the ER." Mark said as he was near by. "Okay.." Josh said in a saddened tone. A few hours later the concert ended, Josh rushed off stage, tried to shower, got into some clean clothes and tried to find someone to take him to the hospital.

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