Life gets worse before it gets better

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"I'm sorry Ms. Prescott..we found a tumor in your brain, and were the tumor is located..its inoperable, we couldn't get it even if we had the best surgeon in the country. I'm so sorry." Doctor James said. "Caiden, you are gonna need chemo and radiation but you will be able to live outside the hospital. You just have to go treatment at any hospital close to where you are staying, I'll leave you two." Doctor James left the room. The room was silent. Josh grabbed Caiden's hand. "Ca-Caiden?" Nothing. Silence. "Babe?" Josh tried to get Caiden to look at him. Caiden finally looked at him, her lips started to quiver, her mascara started to run, she started to shake. "No no no no." Caiden said screaming while her voice crackled. She started to curl up in a ball, Josh was scared, he has never seen her like this before. Suddenly he climbed into the hospital bed with her and held her to get her to calm down. "Sshhh I got you, we are gonna get through this together, I got you and I'm never letting go." A few hours later Caiden and Josh fell asleep, a nurse came in too wake them up to get Caiden discharged. "Here is a folder of all your documents, when you go to any hospital, give these to your doctor for your treatment, I hope you stay strong during this Ms. Prescott." The nurse said. Caiden nodded slightly in agreement. All Caiden wanted to do is go back on the bus and rest. Not talk to anyone. Not even to Josh. Tyler and Jenna picked them up to take them back to the bus. "So, how did it go?" Jenna asked. Both of them didn't answer. Tyler looked at Jenna with a concerned look. "Maybe we should wait till they wanna tell us." Tyler told Jenna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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