Seven Minutes in Hetalia Heaven.

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"Please, frau! It vill be zhe best one yet!" Prussia whined down the phone, sighing softly.

"Ugh, fine!" you snapped, standing up and putting your phone on speaker mode as you pulled on your (f/c) hoodie and slipped on your black converse. "But... how many people are going to be there? I don't want to embarrass myself like last time!"

"How many people? Seriously? Everyone vill be zhere! No one vould miss one of mein AWESOME parties for zhe vorld!"

"Sure." you mumbled, picking up your phone and hovering your finger over 'end call'. "Well, I'm on my way now. Bye!" you ended the call without waiting for his reply, sighing softly and taking your keys out of your pocket to open the door.

The truth was, you did love Prussia's parties. You were just scared of most of the people who attended them. Like Prussia, you weren't a proper country, leading to some of the countries acting like you were... invisible.

When you finally reached Prussia's house, he was waiting outside for you, waving frantically when he caught sight of you walking towards him.

"(Y/n), frau!" he yelled, smiling. "You decided to come!"

"I had no choice." you said, laughing slightly and going in for a hug, but stopping awkwardly and swinging your arm to your leg, falsely scratching it. "Well, ummm... shall we go inside then?"

Prussia nodded slightly, turning and striding inside, you following behind him, hiding from an already slightly drunk England as you walked past.

"Vell, everyone!" shouted Prussia, making you jump slightly. "Now zat everyone is here, we can formally start!" you dodged around him, walking speedily to a seat next to Hungary and sitting down, not making eye contact with anyone.

"So I decided to play... Seven minutes in heaven!"

You lifted your head, only to send a look to Prussia that said 'What the hell?'

A few groans and sighs came from around you, (and a rather loud 'ohonhonhon~') and you sighed softly, sitting back in your chair.

"So, all ze men are going to follow ze awesome me's command and put an item of theirs into zhis awesome hat! Ja? Girls, go over zhere! No peeking!"

You sighed softly and stood up, closely followed by Hungary. When you and the other girls got to the other side of the room, Hungary placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, smiling sympathetically. "Don't vorry," she whispered, squeezing your shoulder, "Austria's here zhis time. Prussia can't do anything too inappropriate."

You nodded slightly, turning your head to smile at her. "Thanks."

You were interrupted when Prussia cleared his throat and smirked menacingly, cracking his knuckles. "(Y/n)! You go first!"

You froze up a little, taking a deep breath. "Sure..." you mumbled, walking over to the hat which was now full of items. You put your hand in, feeling all the different items...

Seven minutes in (Hetalia!) Heaven.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat