The ring: Prussia.

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Your fingers brushed over something cold and metal, causing a small shiver to run up your arm. You took hold of it and pulled it out... a ring?!

Everything made sense when you read the word that was carved into it.


You laughed softly, looking around the room. "Do I even need to ask who's this is? Gilbert Beilschmidt, I believe I have your ring."

"It was that obvious?!" whined Prussia from across the room, smirking slightly and walking up to you, taking the ring from you and holding it up to the light.

"You know, (Y/n)... zhis ring would look pretty awesome on your finger."

You blushed deeply as he slid the ring onto the middle finger of your right hand, provoking a few wolf-whistles from around the room. You bowed your head slightly, hiding behind your (h/c) locks of hair. "Thank you, Gilbert..." you mumbled, smiling slightly.

"Dudes, get in the damn wardrobe already!" shouted the obnoxious voice of America from a few meters away. "We all know what's gonna go down in there anyway!"

You blushed even deeper (if that was even possible), and started making your way towards the wardrobe, Prussia following behind you.

When you got there, America sprung out of his seat and beckoned you both in, an unmistakable smirk on his face as he shouted "Seven minutes, dudes!" and closed the door.

You expected the mischievous albino to attempt to do something perverted to you, but, to your surprise, he stood there, against the back of the wardrobe, in silence.

"What are you doing, trying to find Narnia?" you teased, folding your arms and smirking.

Prussia laughed softly. "No... I vas just... zhinking."

"Thinking? About what?" you said, taking a step closer towards him.

He was obviously getting flustered, as you could make out a blush on his face in the darkness. "Umm... Jou."

"Me? What about me?"
"Nothing. It doesn't matter."
"It does, honestly. Go on."
"I- cannot tell jou. Not jet."

You rolled your eyes. "Prussia, the whole point of this game is to make out in a wardrobe. Not to sit and argue about whether information is important."

"I hear too much talking!" shouted America from outside. "I'm not starting the seven minutes until there's some action in there! The tension between you two is literally radiating through the wardrobe!"

You blushed slightly, moving even closer to Prussia. The two of you now face to face, you looked up into his eyes to see that they were gentle and calm, nothing like how he usually is. "So..."

"HURRY UUUUP!" whined America, laughing. "You know you want to!"

You rolled your eyes slightly. "Stop bending the rules! And stop interrupting!" you smirked a little when America's only reply was a giggle.

Without hesitation, you reached up and wrapped your arms around Prussia's neck, burying your face into his shoulder. "Look, Gil... I... I love you, okay? And it hurts to know that you've probably never once thought of me in a romantic way, and-"

To your surprise, Prussia leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, silencing you.

"Seven minutes starts now!" shouted America from outside.

You smiled against Prussia's lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You started to kiss him back gently, pulling away shortly afterwards, putting a finger to his lips when he tried to continue kissing you. "Wait, does this mean that you feel the same?"

Prussia gently took your hand and ran his thumb over the ring on your finger, smiling at you. "Jes."

Your eyes flickered with happiness as you wrapped your arms back around his neck, continuing to kiss him. He was the one to pull away this time, using his finger to point your chin towards him so that you were looking him in the eye. ", (Y/n), Ich liebe dich. I've been too afraid to show it, all zhese jears, jet... here I am, in a wardrobe, telling jou."

"This is why I love you." you said, smiling up at him. "You're not afraid to share your opinions. Well, most of the time."

He laughed, leaning forward and pecking you on the chin gently. "True. But zhat is vhat makes me so awesome, ja?"

You laughed slightly, cupping his face in your hands. "Ja."

The two of you smirked and broke apart, just in time for America to open the door and yell "Seven minutes is up, dudes!" He looked surprised when he noticed you were both dressed, but the two of you stepped out of the closet, returning to your original places, before America looked at you questioningly and you sent him a wink that said 'it's a secret'.

SHEESH, I'm so sorry this was so long! I just... REALLY like Prussia. Like, REALLY REALLY like. xD

I'll probably make the next one a bit shorter, it depends. Well, anyway, thanks for reading! :)

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