The keyring: England.

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WARNING: Sexual references.

You felt something plastic against your hand, pulling it out to reveal a small keyring with a charm of a red, double decker bus on the end. Your eyes widened slightly as Prussia uttered a soft 'kesesese~!' from behind you, him fully aware of the huge crush you had developed on the only person who would own such a keyring.


The fact that he had been drunk earlier scared you a little bit as you looked around the room. You finally caught sight of him sitting next to France with an annoyed look on his face, massaging his temples.

You tried to announce that you had his keyring but completely failed, making Prussia laugh softly and fold his arms. "(Y/n)'s too shy to say it, but she's got Eyebrows' keyring!"

At the mention of his new nickname, England sighed softly and stood up, keeping his eyes on the ground as he walked up to you, hands in pockets. He smiled at you, taking the keyring from your shaking hand and slipping it into his pocket, an unmistakable blush on his face.

"Vell zhen! Into zhe wardrobe!" declared Prussia, a hand on each your back and England's, pushing you gently towards the wardrobe. "Good luck!"

"Ohonhon~, try not to- mmph phmmmh hhmm hmmp!" said France, his speech muffled by America shoving his hand over his mouth to prevent him from angering England. Besides, the last thing he wanted was for you to miss out on the full 'experience' of being locked in a wardrobe with England.

The two of you reluctantly stepped into the wardrobe, Prussia locking the door and shouting "Seven minutes!" from outside.

England leaned against the side of the wardrobe, sighing. "Right, I don't want to waste any time, so..." you stayed where you were, turning your head to hide your blush. "Are you blushing?" said England, softly and seductively. You turned to him, biting your lip. "Y-yes... I- why d'you think I didn't want to announce that I had your item?" you said, sitting down cross-legged on the floor. England followed in your footsteps, him too sitting down opposite you and looking at you contently. "Because I was drunk earlier? I saw you try to hide from me... sorry about that..."

You shook your head rapidly, swallowing the saliva that had built up in your mouth due to your anticipation. "N-no, it wasn't that... I... I have feelings for you, Arthur. I really do."

England's eyes widened, a small blush appearing on his face. "A-ah, yes, about that... I... I have feelings for you too, (Y/n)." He took your hands gently, stroking them slightly.

You blushed, squeezing his hands. "W-well... that's... amazing." you said, smiling.

"Now, shall we get on with what we're actually supposed to be doing in here?" he said, smirking. Although a small part inside you was telling you that he was still drunk, you knew what he was like in that state, and this was completely different.


England stood up and offered you his hand, which you took and pulled yourself up, smirking. The two of you leaned forward, but just as your lips were about to touch, Prussia yelled "TOO MUCH TALKING! GET ON WITH IT! JOU HAVE FOUR MINUTES!"

You rolled your eyes slightly, quickly wrapping your arms around England's neck and kissing him roughly on the lips, which he returned gladly. He gently ran his tongue over your bottom lip, which lead to you opening your mouth slightly, knowing what he wanted.

When the two of you parted for air, England smirked slightly and used his sleeve to wipe a stray trail of saliva from his cheek before taking hold of your shoulders and roughly pushing you against the side of the wardrobe, panting, placing his right leg between both of your legs so you couldn't move.

"Is it true?" he said, looking at you. "Is it true that you have feelings for me? Or was it just a method of getting me to confess to you?"

You tried to shift out of the position, as you swore you could feel something pressing against your leg, and you didn't need to look to know what it was. "It was true." you said truthfully, your helpless wriggling only making the position worse.

"I wouldn't believe it, but I completely trust you." admitted England, moving his leg, blushing slightly as he realized why you wanted to move. "Now, love, just lean back and enjoy this while it lasts."

You nodded slightly, tingling sensations running down your back as he gently pecked the edge of your lips, leaving a trail of gentle kisses and nips down to your jawline. You wrapped your arms around his back and smiled, moaning softly, when familiar footsteps interrupted the moment and England let go of you, giving you a last soft peck on the lips before Prussia threw the door open, a wide smirk on his face.

"Judging by (Y/n)'s bruising, I take it jou two had a good time, ja?" he said cruelly, causing a few countries around the room to chuckle softly.

"Shut up." you mumbled, stepping out of the wardrobe and attempting to hide the small bruises along your jawline. "We all know you would've loved to be in England's place, Prussia."

Prussia blushed deeply and mumbled something while a few people started laughing and high-fiving you as you walked past them.

As England walked past France, he stood up and clapped him on the back, a wide grin on his face. "I knew you could do it, mon amie!"

England blushed slightly and muttered something about taking a bathroom break, but judging by the bulge in his pants he wasn't going to be using the toilet.


So much for making this one shorter! xD I blushed really hard when I was writing this, jeez.

England is just perfect. Perfect xD

Please comment which country you want me to do next! ^^

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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Seven minutes in (Hetalia!) Heaven.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें