Chapter 1

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-15 years back-

Selena's Pov

Why can't you see,you belong with me,you belong with me.

My alarm was blasting my poor ears.
Yea I am a Swiftie.I love Taylor Swift.She is my idol.She is so pretty,her eyes are so....anyway I have to wakeup,so enough with the rambling.

Getting out of bed(more like falling off the bed and acting like nothing happened),I rushed to my bathroom.Yes,I was late for my school.Showering, brushing and doing all the morning stuff I rushed out of my room.

My Mom was cooking breakfast.She loved cooking.My Mom was a beautiful and caring person and I was lucky to have her iny life.

Running to my dining table I greeted my Dad who smiled back at me.My Dad was a big sweetheart.He is busy most of the time but always spares time for his family.Dad loved Momma and it could be seen in his eyes how special she was to him.

After having two yummy pancakes and kissing my parents goodbye,I rushed out of my house.


I reached school,running and all out of breath and realised that I was twenty minutes late.

"Sh*t" I muttered to myself looking at the big building which was my school,St Patrick's.

Reaching my locker,I took out my books for the second period as the bell had rung for the second period.I had English so I slowly walked towards my classroom.I felt a tap on my shoulder and turning around saw my friend Ariel.

"Where were you during the first class?" she asked.

"I woke up late" I replied.

"When will you stop getting late?"

"What can I do?I need to get my beauty sleep and also drool over Zayn's pictures at night" said I dramatically.

"Shutup" she said laughing as we enterd the class.

After 2 more classes we had lunch.

"Hey hottie" greeted my other friend Anna sitting next to me in our table.

"Hey" I replied,munching on my sandwich.

Ariel and Anna were my friends since 4 years.One day we were all getting bored during English and started talking and bonded rightaway.

Ariel was a beautiful redhead{A/N ;)} with dark blue eyes.She was from Ireland and had a cute Irish accent.And Anna was a blonde,green eyed hottie.She was kind of a player while Ariel was a nerd.I was nerdy but not like Ariel.I never dated any guy although I have many guy friends.

After lunch,we had free classes as there was a function few days later and everyone was rehearsing for that.

We were sitting in one classroom when our English teacher called me.

"Can you go to Hall 6B,their teacher is absent,can you manage that class for two periods?"asked she.

"Yes Maam" I replied and went to that class.

After reaching the class and opening the door,I saw a guy standing in the corner and trying to make all the younger students quiet.

Hearing the sound of the door,he looked at my direction and smiled.He had one or two classes with me but I didn't know his name.He was one hella hot guy.He had beautiful brown hair,warm eyes and plump lips and his ear piercing made him look cute and at the same time badass.

I went up to him with a smile.

"Hi,I'm Shane" said he.

He had the sexiest voice I had ever heard.His voice made me want to kiss him hard.Woah!when did I get that bold?

"H...hi...,I...I'm Selena"I stuttered.

Seeing my awkwardness he laughed and it was hot.It was making my stomach fuzzy.

After that we just managed the young omes and had no more conversation.

While going home,I again saw him.He was leaning against his bike.Seeing me,he smiled and I smiled back,my cheeks going red and the fuzzy feeling returning to my stomach.
What was wrong with me?


A/N Hope you all like it:)


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