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I suppose whenever I get bored i'm just gonna ramble in here? I just thought about Teletubbies earlier and how I remember them so vividly and it was terrifying.

I suppose whenever I get bored i'm just gonna ramble in here? I just thought about Teletubbies earlier and how I remember them so vividly and it was terrifying

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Here is the full title cover picture I drew at 4:00am because the original was so good and I thought I could re-do it with some inserts of my own. If you can't read Frisk is saying, "Die Snes" which prompts "Snes" to say, "Oh dam" and Flowey behind Frisk egging them on by saying, "Pull the Trigger Frisk". It truly is a work of art and one of my best sleep-deprived pieces. I hope this picture is my legacy.

R.I.P Snes

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