Why I was gone without a trace (if you care)

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I guess part of the reason I left without a single trace was mostly because what I mostly did here or how I acted was embarrassing? It was cringe-y now that i'm reflecting back to it, as well as my original username. Then that leaves the question, "Why didn't I just change it and continue?" and I don't particularly have an answer to that. 

All I know is that I was simply bored of Wattpad and found it embarrassing as mostly bad shit floated above and covered the good stuff (in my opinion). 

Another reason of the fact I was going through some shit at the time. A lot of problems kept popping up left and right and whilst they somewhat may be done with they're still there; in matter of fact I don't think they ever left. To be quite honest, I think it's still here, just no one addresses it. You know, "Address the Elephant in the room" phrase or some shit like that is a good way to describe the feeling. I can't promise anything too permanent, as well as the fact I know this book in on itself is pretty much not known at all so i'm just rambling to no one; but I don't really care as typing this out makes me feel slightly better about the ordeal. 

I'm not going to go into any detail about the problem as it is very personal and quite a long, convoluted story. 

I promise if the situation brings itself to light again, I will do my best to warn of another hiatus.

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