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When I walked in the school I saw people in groups because this was their second year in school (sophomore) and I guess they were all friends then I saw this boy he came up to me "hey slut" he said laughing along with all his friends. I ran and I started to run away crying. I got to the restrooms and locked my self into a stall. I didn't even know who he is and I've never had sex with anyone so I don't know why he called me a slut.

All of a sudden this girl came.
Girl: hey are you okay?
Me: umm yeah I'm fine don't worry
Girl: I can tell your not okay can you please open up
Me: umm fine
Girl: hi my name is Jessica what's your and are your new here?
Me: my name is Ruby and I'm new here
Jessica: why are you crying?
Me: because there was this boy and he called me names and stuff
Jessica: do you who he was
Me: I don't know but he had a skate board and had a Storm ⚡️ hoodie on
Jessica: oh that's Steven he is like the jerk of the school don't mind him
*Bell Rings*
Jessica: what are classes
Me: I have
1- math
2- language arts
3- history
4- Lunch
Jessica: we have 1st,3rd,4th,6th together so that's good well we have to get going or else we will be late
I get to math class and we had assigned seats and as a surprise Steven sat next to me "hey slut" Steven said laughing. "I'm not a slut stop calling me that" I said staring to tear up. "Mr Fernandez be quiet I'm trying to teach if I hear another word I'm sending you the deans office" our teacher said while she writing notes in the white board.
Thx for reading I know it sucks but hoped you liked it even though it was short promise next chapter will be longer


Word count: 349 😊

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