t w e n t y

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I went to the nurses office and they put me a cast and gave me crunches to walk. I walk to my locker with my crunches and a boy was sent to take my stuff for the a week since I had all classes with him. I didn't really know who he's is cuz I don't see him. He looks like your typical bad boy or fuckboy not to be rude.

"Hi my name is Brandon the teacher told me I had to take ur stuff to ur classes and stuff" he says

"Um yea I'm sorry that u have to take my stuff but I would drop it" I say

"You don't got to say sorry you are doing me a favor because I don't have detention for a whole week by doing this so thank you" he laughed at the end

"Oh so ur the typical bad boy lol" I say

"You can say that I guess I don't do my work so that's why I get detention a lot" he says

"Oh okay well I sit in the corner front so if you can put my stuff there please and thanks for helping me" I say giving him a smile

"Yeah no problem" he said and sat next to me even tho he sits all the way in the end "Is it okay if I sit next to you" he asked while putting his stuff on the desk.
"Yeah sure but isn't Steven gonna get mad cuz this is his seat so u should ask him"
"He will be fine I'm sure he won't mind" he says and sits down. Then Steven comes in and looks at Brandon with a semi mad face.

"Dude what are you doing that's my seat" Steven said getting a tad mad.

"Ayy Steven chill jut let me sit next to this beauty for today okay" Brandon say

"Ruby can I talk to you alone please"

"Yeah for sure" I say. I get up and grab my crunches and try to walk. I trips on a pencil and fell backwards. Before I reached the ground Steven catches me.

"Fuck I'm sorry"

"it's okay boo I just need to talk to you" he says and carries me to the hall

"What do you need to talk about" I say

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