Men Of Valor: Battlefield

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The last thing that Zayn remembered before he came crumbling down to the ground was the searing pain on his left side of the chest and on his abdomen. The excruciating pain he felt blinded him for a moment as he clenched his mouth and groaned out in pain. Blood is oozing out from the burning hole that the bullet from the rifle had punctured him with . His breathing is choppy as he gasped out for air. His firm grip on his own gun give way and it drop to the ground and soon after he too, fall on his knee with both his hand clutching on his wound.

In that space of a minute where everything seems to happen so quickly, Zayn saw his whole life flying out of the window. The image of his beloved wife back home, his newborn son that he have yet to see and his parents flashes before his eyes. A single drop of tears rolled down from his eyes as he looked up to the skies sending up a silent prayer to the Lord to show him some mercy.

Men Of Valour( Zayn Malik):BattlefieldWhere stories live. Discover now