Chapter 5: Battlefield

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Copyrigh © Irishmofoholics

All rights reserved.

No part of this book should be reproduced in any form without the prior consent of the author.

This book is purely a work of fiction any similarities in terms of names or events are purely coincidental .

[A/N: This is a work of fiction so some of the description on the Us army may not be correct, however if u have a better suggestions do drop me a pm]

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Chapter 5: Battlefield

First Class Private Noah stumbled on his feet as First Sergeant Zayn shoved him forward instructing him to run for cover. He looked around wildly. There were to many of them. Although the other combat line are aware of what's happening , it is almost impossible to fend them off as they too have their own target to take down.

Private Noah could hear sound the of tanks whirring and the the enemy striding forward to combed the area when Sergeant Zayn was. Noah rush forward throwing himself behind the boulder hoping he was not to late to activate Code Red...


Code Red is an emergency call. Code Red should never be activated unless the battalion is outnumbered or outplayed. Code Red should only be used when a life is at peril and when urgent help is needed for the combat to reenforce its backup plan .

First Sergeant Malik clenched his teeth together as he forced himself to stand straight , lifting his now shaky arm to take a shot at the enemy that is now approaching him in groups of four. His breathing is raspy , wincing in pain every time he breathes in. It was a hopeless attempt and his only hope was for Private Noah not to screw up and to activate Code Red immediately. He was clearly outnumbered as another bullet punctured him in the abdomen.

The last thing that Zayn remembered before he came crumbling down to the ground was the searing pain on his left side of the chest and on his abdomen. The excruciating pain he felt blinded him for a moment as he clenched his mouth and groaned out in pain. Blood is oozing out from the burning hole that the bullet from the rifle had punctured him with . His breathing is choppy as he gasped out for air. His firm grip on his own gun give way and it drop to the ground and soon after he too, fall on his knee with both his hand clutching on his wound.

In that space of a minute where everything seems to happen so quickly, Zayn saw his whole life flying out of the window. The image of his beloved wife back home, his newborn son that have yet to see and his parents flashes before his eyes. A single drop of tears rolled down from his eyes as he looked up to the skies sending up a silent prayer to the Lord to show him some mercy.

Zayn watch in growing pain as the enemies comes forward, standing directly in front of him. There were four of them but he couldn't make our how they looked like as his brain is now clouded from the lack of oxygen running to his brain due to the massive amount of blood loss. One of the enemy lifted up his feet and lashed out at Zayn , kicking him on the chest which caused him to fall backwards. The rest followed suit as they stamped on Zayn like a stampede , with their boots and hitting him with the butt of their rifle. The pain was excruciating as Zayn's body coiled in pain and soon after his world turn dark as he loss his consciousness.


"Code Red! Attention Combat. Code Red has been activated. We have been outnumbered! Air Force , deploy your fighter pilot now.

Sergeant Zayn have been swamped. Activate air strike immediately!"

(A/N: Thank you so much for the wonderful support. Because of you this book now have almost 150 reads. However as much as I appreciate your silent read , I do hope and urged all of you readers to please leave a comment and to vote for this book:) I really would like to hear and interact with all of you readers(: - Shasha x)

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