Chapter 7: Battlefield

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Copyrigh © Irishmofoholics

All rights reserved.

No part of this book should be reproduced in any form without the prior consent of the author.

This book is purely a work of fiction any similarities in terms of names or events are purely coincidental .

[A/N: This is a work of fiction so some of the description on the Us army may not be correct, however if u have a better suggestions do drop me a pm]

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Chapter 7: Battlefield

11852 km away in a small town in Forks...

It had been three days now. Three days since she last heard from him. As day passed by, she have become more and more restless. Why didn't he called? Is he alright? Is everything fine down there? Perrie let out a sigh as she make her way to the kitchen sink to wash the plates she used for dinner just now . She have been worried sick these past few days. It had been hell for her as she waits anxiously for the call that never came. Every time the phone rang, Perrie would jump on her feet and rush to get it hoping it would be Zayn.

A day become two and then it become three and yet there were still no news. Everything seems vague. To make matter worst, her conscience have been feeding her with nasty thoughts and planting the seeds of doubts on her mind, mocking her away with the horrifying possibilities that could have fallen upon him. Her nights have been restless and she hadn't been sleeping well as she ponder away the possibilities that her conscience fed her with plus the cranky mood their 3 months old son have been in. Adam have been crying non stop for no apparent reason which kept Perrie awake half the time at night and caused her to get really tired in the day.

Perrie look out of the window that is situated directly in front of the wash basin as she wash the plates one by one. Dark clouds can been seen looming above as flashes of lighting can be seen lighting up the sky momentarily. Suddenly, Perrie heard a ear piercing wail from Adam's room. Her grip on the plate slipped and it crashed into pieces in the sink. Perrie panicked for a minute as she quickly washed her hands and rushed up the stairs two steps at the time to check on what had caused her son to cried like that...


Back in the Battlefield ..

First Class Private Noah watched in horror as he witness the enemy stomping onto Firts Sergeant Zayn as if he's just a rag doll. Helpless and lifeless. Private Noah winced every time he heard the thud coming from the boots when it connect with the beaten and battered body of First Sergeant Zayn. He needs to do something. He can't just stand here and do nothing . Whether its an order from his First Sergeant or General, some rules in life are meant to be broken and he's going to break the order given to him by Sergeant Zayn. He's not going to just sit here and take cover while Sergeant Zayn is out there fighting for his survival. He can't just wait here and wait for the Air Force just because Code Red have been activated. Hell no! He's going out there. He's going to take matter in his own hand , he won't let Sergeant Zayn die in vain.


Back in the airbase Lieutenant Corporal Tomlinson was having a hard time managing his anger .

" Seven bloody years of training in the air fighting school and barely five minutes in the air,you're down ? Due to some reckless flying? Are you kidding me? What the fuck are you thinking? You know you're flying too low! Why did you risked it ! Fools!"

He bellowed into the speaker, his words laced with venom.

"You're silent eagle is ready sir!" Cadet Luke informed him timidly. Not daring to look at him in the eyes.

Lieutenant Corporal Tomlinson grabbed the helmet from his hands and strolled away, leaving the others in uncomfortable silence.

Lieutenant Corporal Tomlinson runs his finger to his hair, heaving out a frustrated sigh as he make his way to his Silent Eagle, his fighter jet plane.

He put on his helmet and then slip on his gloves before pushing himself up the wing of the jet and let himself into the seat before starting the engine for takeoff. Bloody nuisance he thought to himself.

"Unreliable twat! Now I got to take matters in my own head or Zayn is going to be dead! " he muttered under his breath as the plain took f the ground and soar into the sky.


(A/N: I know this chapter is way too short and I'm so sorry guys! I've been extremely busy! Can't promised when the next update but I will try my best to do it ASAP but of course school come first fr me. I'm doing my internship now and I'm required to submit a 5000 words report so I hope all of you understand . Love you and sorry to disappoint !:/ )

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