Chapter 3: Battlefield

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Copyrigh © Irishmofoholics

All rights reserved.

No part of this book should be reproduced in any form without the prior consent of the author.

This book is purely a work of fiction any similarities in terms of names or events are purely coincidental .

[A/N: This is a work of fiction so some of the description on the Us army , the terminology and the war scene may not be correct, however if u have a better suggestions do drop me a pm]

> Do enjoy this chapter

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Dedicated to the ever so wonderful @Nono1605 for her unwavering support(:

This one is for you sweet! X

Chapter 3: Battlefield

Private First Class Noah Shield stood in the middle of the battlefield alone . His position make him completely open and vulnerable to any oncoming assault from the enemy. He looked around wildly in a state of daze. His face is a mask of pure terror and shock. His whole body is covered in grime and the remains of his partner, Corporal Luke Clearwater. A grenade just blew off and the fact that he just witness his partner body blowing up into pieces right in front of his bloody eyes shook him to the very core. He would never be able to erase the gory image from his mind for as long as he live- that is if he even survive this battle.

Private Noah, could hear the voice of his Sergeant calling out to him, asking him to move but he was still far to shaken from what that have just happen to even register the command given. His whole body is immobilized from the shock.


Zayn cursed out in frustration as he moved forward with great confidence and the agility of a leopard. His stance were predatory as he edge closer to Private Noah.

He eyes darted from left to right as he swing around his arm, taking a short at the enemies that is now shooting wildly in his direction. When there were far too many of them, Zayn flung himself on the ground at began rolling himself , taking out a grenade on his left pocket . He then abruptly stood up and pulled off the pin , counting to three before he flung it forward skillfully. It exploded soon after killing the enemy along the way.


Meanwhile , over at the brick house...

Technical Sergeant Matthew was halfway up the stairs of the brick house with his fellow intelligence officer when he glanced out of the window at the stair landing. The sight of his best friend Zayn out there in the open warding off the enemy on his own as Private Noah stood there in a state of dazed make his tummy clenched. He knew Zayn to well . He bet that his best friend is out there to save the Private. Zayn was too noble of a man to close one eye and kept moving. He would never leave any man behind unless of course if they are dead but nevertheless Zayn would insist for the body to be recovered after a particular mission is done so that the men that perished in line of duty could be properly honor and sent off with a proper burial. For that, Matthew looked up to Zayn with great respect and admiration.

Matthew grabbed his walkie talkie.

"Zayn! What the hell are you doing there buddy! You're open! Way to open! Grab that kiddo and head for cover!!" He shouted over to Zayn

"I got this mate! Don't worry about me!" Zayn replied, his voice eerily calm among the mast of chaos he is in." Just keep moving forward with the team and bring down that heartless bastard! " Zayn continue, his voice muffled against the sound of ammunition being fired.

Matthew glanced over to his fellow men who is watching Zayn as intently as he is. "He said keep moving" They all look at each other with determination shining in the eyes and gave each other a nod before turning around to head for the room of terror.

Men Of Valour( Zayn Malik):BattlefieldWhere stories live. Discover now