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She cried out my name, not with

    joy but with  s y m p a t h y 

I found the other guy fast

asleep next to her.

I look at her with tears in my eyes.

was she willing to say good-bye..?

Did I cross the line so much?

As in bringing her flowers


precisely around may, 

of course her birthday.

she use to sway with me

gee..she wasn't that happy.

free me? she used to say.

for thee...anything. i used to murmer

flashbacks flash through

my brain like an UN-stopping

traffic light.


snap out of it jack..she's 

talking to you now:

"Jack, honey. I'm sorry. 

but come on! what are

we actually doing here?"

"Well, i'm just simply loving you,

at the very least trying. But break

my heart a thousand times

 and Ill keep

loving yours...a thousand times more."

*SORRY...this was a bit crappy..IMO. *

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