seeing stars

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you are my star

for I wish I could keep

you in a jar.

far far away.

so no human being

of our kind could prey

you elsewhere

but for you to stay

 in this life I'm living

wouldn't be too gray

and I pray to the heavens

above that you'd stay and

watch me watch you from

bay.... I'd even chuckle 'yay'.

because I wouldn't

have it any other way.

and for I am your night.

so you flash your light

to guide me back home.

but I could not roam as

fast as your light.

for it is too rapid

in the cost,

I'm afraid ill get lost...

and you see now our paths have crossed

for there, were sauced.

For I am only human

and I will soon decay.

soon,this laughter of mine will turn

into coughs and ill be stuck

here waiting for your light

to shine on me, because I'm scared

of this darkness; called loneliness

but I will wait for you to experience

different skies and constellations

but I'm covered, layered, in this frost

so ill do you a favor and let you go

but  there's a cost...

I wont be seeing stars, anymore.

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